You know on a fundamental level that when you take good care of something, it stays safe and in one piece. When you neglect it, that’s when the damage is more likely to occur over time. This is true for your smile. When you provide it the daily care (and long-term care from our practice) […]
Category: Dental Hygiene
Smile Pain And Your Hygiene
Do you find that your main source of smile pain is your dental hygiene? If this is the case, then you’re probably feeling a bit flummoxed at the moment. Is this normal? Is it a sign that you’re doing quite a wonderful, thorough job? Or, perhaps, you should realize that this means you’re absolutely off-track […]
Dental Hygiene: 2 Common Nighttime Blunders
The second you think you’ve got your dental hygiene all figured out, you may notice there’s one final detail you haven’t fully sorted out just yet. If it’s got anything to do with how you’re doing with your care at night, then rest assured you are absolutely not alone! For many, nighttime is a cozy, […]
Why Decay Keeps Showing Up
Are you doing everything that you’re supposed to be doing (or so you think), so that tooth decay stays away? However, it seems that every time you turn around, you come in to see us, you end up with a cavity, and you’re starting to wonder what the problem is? Perhaps, you have recognized that […]
Prepare For: National Brush Day For Kids!
You might have the idea that once Halloween is through, there’s nothing much to do until Turkey Day rolls around. The truth is, there’s another “holiday” that you just might be overlooking and it happens on the first of November. Not sure what it is? Surprise! It’s National Brush Day! Not sure what this is […]
Fluorosis: Does This Mean No More Fluoride?
You may have a friend who recently planted a figurative seed in your mind. The discussion might have gone a little something like this: “Did you know that if you use too much fluoride you can end up with a serious disorder called fluorosis?” to which you may have responded, “What? Oh my goodness! Should […]
Dental Hygiene Quiz: What’s Getting In The Way?
Are you having one of those experiences in which you think you’re doing a pretty impressive job with your dental hygiene efforts but for some reason, all of that work doesn’t seem to be paying off? If so, trust us: You are not the first person to feel this way. While you just might be […]
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Mouthwash Q&A
Do you ever stand slack-jawed in the dental hygiene aisle, staring at the huge amount of mouthwash options available to you without much of an idea regarding what’s what? If you answered yes, then welcome! You are in very good company. As you know, most of the products you will see look very similar, their […]
Dental Care: 3 Times The Internet Is Beneficial
You will hear us time and time again warn you about getting too much of your information from the world wide web. Of course, just about anything you’re curious about is just a click away. However, distinguishing fact from fiction as you sift through web pages can become a nearly impossible chore. As a result, […]
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3 Ways You’re (Accidentally) Brushing Poorly
You may be realizing lately that suggestion for brushing twice a day for two minutes per session offers a general overview of best brushing habits. However, it doesn’t provide you with every last detail you need to be certain your brushing is completely effective. For improved dental hygiene results, we would like to offer some […]
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