You may not realize that you are putting your smile in harm’s way sometimes. As a result, you might be more likely in certain moments to end up with broken teeth! Don’t want to break your teeth? This is a good perspective to have. However, as for how to guide your smile down the safest […]
Category: Preventive Dentistry
Tooth Pain: Surprising Ways You Cause Aggravation
There are some obvious causes of tooth pain that you’re already familiar with. For instance, if you have a cavity, it could end up causing a toothache. However, you may notice that we frequently mention there are many possible factors that promote discomfort, which is why it’s always best for you to come in to […]
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2 Things You’re Almost Getting Right
You don’t want to experience tooth pain, decay, broken teeth, or other problems. So, you strive to make the best choices throughout the day. We applaud your dedication! However, we also like to review your daily care every now and then to ensure you’re getting things right, so you don’t end up disappointed when you’re […]
Why Do My Teeth Hurt When I Stress?
Perhaps you aren’t dealing with the type of toothache that shows up when you have a cavity. Instead, you notice that your teeth sometimes hurt when you’ve been feeling quite stressed. This might be something you notice throughout the day, in the evening, or when you first wake up in the morning. So, is there […]
Smile Trauma: Prevention And Care
When you think about dental emergencies and reasons you may come see us for emergency dental care, you may find yourself wondering if there’s something you could have done. You may wonder at the moment, as well, if perhaps you are overlooking instances in your daily life when smile trauma is highly possible but it’s […]
Prevention: Detecting Issues Flying Under The Radar
There are those things that are quite obvious to you about your oral health. You are already aware that if you brush your teeth as we recommend and you follow through with flossing, you’re removing plaque. As a result, you’re doing an excellent job at preventing decay and gum disease. When you see us for […]
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Oral Discomfort: 3 Things You’re Missing
You may wonder what’s going on when you take what you think is wonderful care of your teeth … but you still deal with toothaches and other concerns. As you may have guessed, sometimes there are not-so-obvious facets of your daily life that play into the development of discomfort, which can express itself in different […]
Dental Care: When You May See Us!
When you’re thinking about your smile and you feel the need to call us to schedule a dental care visit, do you do so? Or, is there a part of you that wonders if you should be very thoughtful about when (and for what) you schedule appointments? To be clear, we’d like to remind you […]
The Age-Old Question: What Should I Wear?
First things first, we’d like you to remember that coming in for dental care doesn’t include the added stress of worrying you should be impressing us with your wardrobe. However, we do like to remind patients who ask, “What should I wear?” that for some individuals, the answers to this inquiry can make a big […]
How To Promote A Good Mistletoe Experience
If you’re dreading accidentally ending up under the mistletoe at a party this year because you’re pretty sure your bad breath is going to ruin the experience, we are here to help you sort through this conundrum. Perhaps there is something you can do to ensure you’re all ready to pucker up should the occasion […]