When you begin work to straighten your teeth, how much time should you really spend wearing your aligners? Because Orthodontic Clear Aligners provide you with treatment that does not call for fixed metal braces, you have more control over when an appliance is in place. While you can take an aligner out when you are […]
Stop Letting Bruxism Hurt Your Smile!
If you have not done something about your issues with nighttime teeth grinding, you are putting your smile in a vulnerable position. When you continue to grind and clench your jaw while you sleep, you create friction that can gradually wear down your enamel. Eventually, this can lead to cosmetic concerns, and it can even […]
Restoring Your Smile During Urgent Work
When you have an urgent need for dental work, you may feel some concerns that touch on more than just your oral health. While you can feel confident that your dentist will be able to address discomfort and stop a problem with your oral health from worsening, you may have doubts about your appearance after […]
Cosmetic Care With Clear Aligners
There is more to orthodontic work than just a chance to improve your smile. Corrective treatment helps with spacing issues that can negatively impact your bite, and it can also make it easier for you to practice good oral health habits. With that said, it is hard to blame someone for being excited when they […]
Cavity Care Offered To Our Patients
When you regularly see your dentist, you can protect yourself against problems that threaten your smile. At your routine visits, your teeth are professionally cleaned, and they are closely checked for any issues that could have developed since your last appointment. If a problem is found, or if you visit our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s […]
How Are Dental Emergencies Treated?
Through the work you undergo at regular dental visits, you enjoy protection from problems like tooth decay and gum disease, which means you can avoid issues that require further care. Unfortunately, there are situations where problems occur without advance warning; if your tooth is physically injured, you can find yourself in need of more involved […]
The Choice To Use Clear Aligners
Once you express an interest in a dental treatment, you can learn about your options for care, and what the right approach can do for you. For people who are interested in straightening teeth that are poorly spaced and uneven, there are several orthodontic solutions, including the option to take on spacing difficulties with clear […]
3 Reasons To Book Your Next Dental Exam
Has your next dental exam been booked yet, or have you put off setting your next appointment? If you fall behind on preventive dental care, you can miss out on important care, something that can have real consequences for you over time. People who are not consistent about exams and cleanings can have more issues […]
Do You Have Reliable Access To Urgent Dental Care?
In most circumstances, patients have ample time to arrange their next dental appointment. A person with typical oral health needs should schedule preventive visits on a semiannual basis. Unfortunately, there are times when an appointment becomes an urgent matter. In these times, it is important to know that you have access to care on short […]
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Using Clear Aligners Instead Of Braces
If poor teeth spacing affects your smile and overall confidence, you can be happy to hear that you have options for treatment. While people sometimes assume that only metal braces are going to be available to them, you can look into alternatives, including treatment with Orthodontic Clear Aligners. Our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office can […]