Restorative treatment can take on different threats, including the threat of tooth loss due to an injury. With that said, it is important that you act quickly when you have a tooth that has been made insecure. The longer it takes you to do something about this problem, the more likely you are to experience […]
Porcelain Veneers And Smile Confidence
When you have a confident smile, you can feel more at ease with the first impression you make, have a greater degree of comfort in social situations, and generally feel better about your overall appearance. In other words, there are real advantages to feeling good about the way your teeth look, and there are consequences […]
Your Expectations For Emergency Dentistry
It can certainly be upsetting to experience a dental emergency. With that said, the experience you have can be less stressful when you know what your dentist is prepared to do for you. Our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office is ready to help you in those moments where you need support as soon as possible. […]
Questions To Ask About Prosthetic Dentistry
The longer it takes you to do something about tooth loss, the more likely you are to experience complications that further hurt your incomplete smile. These problems include difficulties with TMJ disorder, worries about losing more teeth, and the development of issues with jawbone deterioration. Our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office is prepared to help, […]
Clear Aligners And Your Cosmetic Goals
What improvements to your smile would you like to show off? If you have the right approach to care, there are many welcome changes that you can make to the way you look. In fact, you can find that the services available to you can make cosmetic work easier to undergo than you anticipate. There […]
Emergency Care For An Infected Tooth
There are times when cavities are caught during dental exams, which can actually come as a surprise due to the lack of obvious symptoms. However, there are also times when decay causes an infection that becomes painful enough to require treatment as soon as possible. These situations sometimes call for emergency dental appointments, which allow […]
The Appeal Of Dental Bonding Services
There are different improvements that people want to see from cosmetic dental work. For one individual, treatment could be a means of fixing issues with a flawed tooth that is discolored, damaged, or misshapen. For another, it could be a means of fixing more general issues with teeth that look unsightly, seem uneven, or have […]
Am I A Good Clear Aligner Candidate?
Although you might be uncomfortable with the idea of wearing metal braces, you can feel eager to take on the problems with your teeth spacing that currently affect your smile. Fortunately, traditional orthodontic appliances are not the only option available to you, as you can also take care of gaps and overlaps with a set […]
Using A Take-Home Teeth Whitening Kit
There are products that you can pick up from your grocery store or pharmacy that will offer to remove stains from your teeth. While they can have some impact, they can fail to deliver the kind of noticeable improvements that you hoped to show off. Is this because your teeth are just too stained to […]
Timely Treatment For Tooth Trauma
When the unexpected happens and your smile is injured, it can be a relief to know that your dentist will be able to help you. Many people are left without this kind of reassurance. Even among those who have support from a regular dental office, it can be unclear what treatment might be available on […]