What’s better than the food, the twinkling lights, the wish lists, and the cozy songs that show up when the holidays come around? The shopping! You absolutely will not want to forget about the Holiday Open House coming up in our town. […]
Tooth Pain: Your FAQs (With Our Answers!)
We understand that when you suffer from tooth pain, you may not know what the right thing is. Should you call us up to schedule a visit? Should you stay home and try to tend to the issue by yourself, in hopes that it will resolve and you can stop worrying about it? Try our […]
A Holiday Hello From Our Dental Team!
First and foremost, from our dental team to you, we are wishing you a stress-free and happy start to the holiday season. If you listen to the radio, then you may have noticed that the holiday tunes are already playing (and you’ve likely seen decorations in your local stores). True, it may be a little […]
Think Fast: Responding To Your Toothache!
When you’re experiencing a toothache, trying to figure out the best way to proceed to address the situation can become surprisingly confusing. One one hand, you definitely don’t want to feel as though you’re making choices that turn out to be an overreaction to discomfort. On the other hand, something might be seriously wrong and […]
3 Misconceptions About Dental Emergencies
As much as you get that warm and fuzzy feeling knowing that we offer emergency dental care, you might not know what to make of it when you need it most. Should you actually call us if something seems very wrong with your smile? Will we be able to see you? Will we consider your […]
Coffee With A Cop: November 2017
You may or may not have noticed that our community is quite wonderful at keeping the lines of communication open between our residents and our police force. If you’ve attended any events “with a cop” in the past, then you’re already familiar. If not, then this is your chance to attend the upcoming Coffee With […]
Rinsing Questions
Have you noticed that there’s a lot of advice out there that includes rinsing your smile with water to protect your oral health? Do you find this a little bit confusing because you’re not sure if you should be rinsing after everything you eat or only right before you brush and floss? Then again, should […]
Holidays Are Coming: Why Get A Root Canal?
Of course, we are not suggesting you ask us if you can have a root canal treatment just because the holidays are coming. We are saying, however, that if this is a restorative treatment we have recommended for the well being of your smile, then you should do everything in your power to schedule your […]
Sneaky Staining Culprits
There are some staining culprits out there that you might not have thought about just yet. Of course, if you’re drinking a lot of red wine, then you won’t be surprised if your teeth discolor. Or, if you’re just not taking exceptional care of your teeth and are forgetting to brush them, then some staining […]
Dental Hygiene: 2 Common Nighttime Blunders
The second you think you’ve got your dental hygiene all figured out, you may notice there’s one final detail you haven’t fully sorted out just yet. If it’s got anything to do with how you’re doing with your care at night, then rest assured you are absolutely not alone! For many, nighttime is a cozy, […]