Category: Preventive Dentistry

A Change In Your Oral Care Routine Can Benefit Your Smile

By evaluating your current oral care routine and looking for improvements, you can stay protected against problems with your smile that can require restorative dental work. If you have spent an extended period of time without any oral health problems, you may feel that your routine is fine as-is. What you should know is that […]

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Are These Common Oral Health Mistakes Hurting Your Smile?

A good oral health routine should be consistent, as well as thorough. While many people recognize that they should take their smile care needs seriously, they sometimes become relaxed toward their routine. As you continually brush and floss, you can start to “occasionally” skip sessions, or cut cleanings short. Over time, this can lead to a buildup […]

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Will This Year’s Holiday Parties Lead To Cavities?

Holiday parties give you opportunities to catch up with friends and family members. They also encourage us to make the most of this festive season. Is there any downside to attending as many festive gatherings as possible? If you are not smart about your oral care routine, and you overindulge with holiday treats, you could […]

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Better Flossing Means Better Support For Your Dental Health

When a cavity forms, decay will continue to spread and damage your enamel before reaching deeper layers of your tooth and creating a painful internal infection. When you allow bacteria to infiltrate your gums, gingivitis can cause bleeding and irritation before your condition worsens into periodontitis, which can sharply raise your risk for losing teeth. […]

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3 Reasons To Stay Consistent With Your Dental Exams

Unless you have been advised to keep a different schedule, your dental checkups should occur approximately every six months. Sticking with this routine is important – when you are consistently receiving preventive dental care, you can have an easier time avoiding trouble with tooth decay and gum disease. You also receive important updates about your […]

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Don’t Let Halloween Candy Damage Your Healthy Smile!

Even though trick-or-treating tends to only happen on Halloween, candy can become readily available weeks before the actual holiday. If you are someone who normally struggles with a sweet tooth, you can be understandably concerned about the health of your smile. Even if you feel you do a good job resisting temptation, you may not […]

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