You may wonder what’s going on when you take what you think is wonderful care of your teeth … but you still deal with toothaches and other concerns. As you may have guessed, sometimes there are not-so-obvious facets of your daily life that play into the development of discomfort, which can express itself in different […]
Month: January 2018
Toothache To Tooth Loss: What To Expect?
What can you expect when you discover that you are dealing with an advanced issue with your tooth? What happens when your toothache ends up leading to tooth loss? Are you going to worry about pain for the rest of your days and have to walk around with a “hole” in your smile? Or, are […]
Dental Care: When You May See Us!
When you’re thinking about your smile and you feel the need to call us to schedule a dental care visit, do you do so? Or, is there a part of you that wonders if you should be very thoughtful about when (and for what) you schedule appointments? To be clear, we’d like to remind you […]
Is It A Toothache? Or Sore Teeth?
When you experience a toothache, it’s usually a sensation that’s occurring in a single tooth, it makes you feel like something is wrong, it might throb, and it can become excruciating. When you experience sore teeth, it may feel a bit more like a dull, uncomfortable sensation. It may affect one or more teeth and […]
Age-Related Smile Quiz
Are you hoping to do something to your smile, whether it’s move your teeth into a much more beautiful configuration for a straight grin or simply whiten it? Are you wondering if there’s some sort of extra maintenance you should be performing or if your smile is simply going to age and have issues no […]
Holiday Tree Disposal
Your holiday tree was such a moment of pride and gave you so much joy! Yes, it was truly a sight to behold. However, now that Christmas is over and we have ushered in the New Year, the ornaments and lights have all been put away … and you’re not sure what to do with […]
Very Good Reasons To Align Your Smile!
Do you need some better reasons to align your smile than simply the fact that it will look much better once your smile is straight? If the esthetics aren’t enough to push you into taking action and seeing us for orthodontic care, then we encourage you to think through some additional details. Did you know […]
Why You Don’t Have To Cry Over A Toothache
If you think you are the first person to experience a toothache and immediately feel extremely upset about it, think again! This is most certainly an inconvenience in your life. One moment, your teeth feel fine. The next, you know something is wrong but you’re not sure what (and it doesn’t feel so great). While […]
What If I Lose A Tooth?
It’s one thing to deal with a toothache and then a restorative treatment to fix whatever the problem is. It’s another thing to discover that the best solution for the health of your entire smile is for that tooth to be removed with an extraction. This may leave you wondering, “What will I do if […]
Broken Tooth: 3 Things To Avoid Thinking
A broken tooth can feel scary and can cause you to think all sorts of things. Of course, our hope is that you will remain calm should this happen to you, call us, and come see us for treatment. What might happen, though, could include any number of things! You might feel quite confident about […]