When you have problems with your smile that make you unhappy with your overall appearance, there are clear benefits to discussing cosmetic dental work. Unfortunately, people may hold back from these discussions because of concerns that they never raise. For those who have several issues they want to address, the idea of treatment can be […]
Take Home A Customized Whitening Kit
Can you really take care of teeth stains at home? There are many products available at your grocery store or pharmacy that offer to whiten your smile, but they can deliver limited results. However, you can make more exciting changes when you use a customized whitening kit that you take home from our Prairie Village, […]
Is Your Next Dental Exam Scheduled?
If your next dental exam is not scheduled yet, you should make that next appointment a priority. Semiannual dental exams provide an important line of defense between you and the different threats that can impact your smile and overall health. Our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office can provide you with the kind of preventive services […]
Restoring Teeth With Custom Crowns
Restorative dental treatments need to provide lasting protection for teeth. In some circumstances, this means receiving a dental filling to cover an area where a cavity formed and caused damage to your enamel. However, some treatments will call for the placement of dental crowns to keep teeth safe. At our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office, […]
How Your Dentist Addresses TMJ Disorder
Your inability to bite and chew without discomfort is a real cause for concern. Fortunately, it is one that we can take care of at our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office. Patients who express concerns about bite pain, stiffness in their jaw movement, headaches, and teeth grinding can require help with TMJ disorder. To provide […]
Will Your Cavity Treatment Include A Root Canal?
You can be well aware that you need cavity treatment, but you may be less clear on what your care will actually involve. Will it be necessary for you to undergo root canal therapy as part of your restorative work? This procedure is not needed during every procedure to address dental decay. However, when it […]
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Choosing Tooth Bonding Treatment
There are several procedures you can choose from if you want to take on problems with your smile. As you look into your different treatment options, you may be surprised at just how conservative cosmetic work can be, which means you can have an easier time seeing your desired improvements. At our Prairie Village, KS […]
Discussing Your Dental Discomfort
Keeping your dental discomfort to yourself can be a poor decision for several reasons. One is that you can prolong your time struggling with pain and sensitivity for no reason, as the feeling may not go away until the appropriate treatment. Another is that the cause of your problem can worsen, leading to complications that […]
Proceeding With Gum Contouring Treatment
Sometimes, treatment to change a person’s smile will focus on their gums. For someone with bulky or uneven tissues, this kind of care can have a significant positive effect, as it can make their smile more symmetrical, and it can add length to teeth that seem short or squat. At our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s […]
Tips For Better Gingivitis Prevention
Is your current approach to smile care protecting your gums as well as your teeth? Cavity prevention is important, but your oral hygiene routine should help you prevent gingivitis as well. Fortunately, a routine that relies on brushing and flossing can defend against the bacteria that can affect your gums. Your Prairie Village, KS dentist’s […]