Wearing Your Clear Aligners Every Day

When you begin work to straighten your teeth, how much time should you really spend wearing your aligners? Because Orthodontic Clear Aligners provide you with treatment that does not call for fixed metal braces, you have more control over when an appliance is in place. While you can take an aligner out when you are about to eat or clean your teeth, you should keep it in place throughout each day to make sure you stay on top of your corrective work. The good news is that thanks to their discreet clear design, you can have an easy time wearing these appliances on a daily basis! Our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office is ready to help you if you are interested in starting treatment to fix gaps, overlaps, and other problems associated with your smile spacing.

Are You Ready To Do Something About Your Uneven Smile?

If you feel ready to do something about your poor smile spacing, looking into alternatives to metal braces can be a good idea. When you do so, you can discover that your adjustment take place with removable Orthodontic Clear Aligners. Choosing this as an alternative to metal braces means enjoying a less conspicuous adjustment. It also means enjoying a more convenient form of care, as you can quickly and easily remove an aligner if it is in the way.

Beginning Your Corrective Work With Orthodontic Clear Aligners

Your treatment will begin once you receive your set of customized Orthodontic Clear Aligners. Each is designed to make part of the larger movements needed to fully straighten your smile. You should keep your designated appliance in place throughout each day while you depend on it. You can remove these whenever you need to care for your smile or eat, but they should stay in place in other circumstances. What makes this easy is that they are designed to go unnoticed, so you can be less than concerned about them even in social and professional settings.

Using Cosmetic Services To Hide Minor Spacing Issues

There are some circumstances where cosmetic dentistry can do the appropriate work of hiding gaps and overlaps between teeth. If you qualify for this approach, you can see the benefits of care sooner, as you will not have to worry about making the gradual adjustments to your teeth. Both porcelain veneers and dental bonding and contouring work have the potential to cover up spacing issues to give you a more attractive smile!

Talk To Your Prairie Village, KS Dentist About Treatment With Clear Aligners

Through treatment with custom clear aligners, our practice can help you take on your concerns with poor teeth spacing! If you would like to find out more about how we can help you with misalignment issues and other smile flaws, please reach out to our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office at 913-901-8585.