In situations where your tooth is damaged or in worrying pain, our Prairie Village, KS dental office can help! Dr. Browne wants patients to know that they can, and should, reach out for help when they think something might be seriously wrong. Persistent or severe discomfort can warn you that you have an infection that […]
Picking Clear Aligners For Orthodontic Work
If your goal is to do something about teeth that are uneven, overlap in awkward ways, or appear too far apart, you should know that there are options for your orthodontic services. At our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office, we can actually recommend an approach to care that minimizes any impact on your appearance as […]
How Porcelain Veneers Transform A Smile
As long as your smile is affected by conspicuous dental flaws, you can have a tough time showing it off with confidence. What can you do to leave your concerns about misshapen, damaged, or discolored teeth in the past? By talking to your Prairie Village, KS dentist about cosmetic dentistry, you can learn that these […]
When Tooth Pain Calls For Urgent Work
When you have problems with tooth pain, it can be difficult for you to wait on an appointment with your dentist. Our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office understands this, and we want patients to know that we are here for them when discomfort is an active concern. By making patients aware that we provide emergency […]
Wearing Your Clear Aligners Every Day
When you begin work to straighten your teeth, how much time should you really spend wearing your aligners? Because Orthodontic Clear Aligners provide you with treatment that does not call for fixed metal braces, you have more control over when an appliance is in place. While you can take an aligner out when you are […]
Stop Letting Bruxism Hurt Your Smile!
If you have not done something about your issues with nighttime teeth grinding, you are putting your smile in a vulnerable position. When you continue to grind and clench your jaw while you sleep, you create friction that can gradually wear down your enamel. Eventually, this can lead to cosmetic concerns, and it can even […]
Restoring Your Smile During Urgent Work
When you have an urgent need for dental work, you may feel some concerns that touch on more than just your oral health. While you can feel confident that your dentist will be able to address discomfort and stop a problem with your oral health from worsening, you may have doubts about your appearance after […]
Cosmetic Care With Clear Aligners
There is more to orthodontic work than just a chance to improve your smile. Corrective treatment helps with spacing issues that can negatively impact your bite, and it can also make it easier for you to practice good oral health habits. With that said, it is hard to blame someone for being excited when they […]
Cavity Care Offered To Our Patients
When you regularly see your dentist, you can protect yourself against problems that threaten your smile. At your routine visits, your teeth are professionally cleaned, and they are closely checked for any issues that could have developed since your last appointment. If a problem is found, or if you visit our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s […]
How Are Dental Emergencies Treated?
Through the work you undergo at regular dental visits, you enjoy protection from problems like tooth decay and gum disease, which means you can avoid issues that require further care. Unfortunately, there are situations where problems occur without advance warning; if your tooth is physically injured, you can find yourself in need of more involved […]