Have you been trying and trying to deal with tooth pain at home but nothing is working? Maybe you have tried to take over-the-counter pain relievers or even prescription strength and you find that you still deal with discomfort. Perhaps your dental hygiene is impeccable and you thought that this would make all the difference […]
Allergies: A Springtime Oral Health Quiz
There are paintings and poems and more dedicated to this beautiful time of year: Springtime! With it, however, come all of those natural irritants that can leave you with itchy eyes, a stuffy nose, congested upper airways, all of which translate into one thing … springtime allergies. Are you aware that in addition to being […]
Cosmetic Dentistry: Your Very Quick Review
If you’re trying to sort through possible cosmetic dentistry treatments for yourself, so you can end up where you’re headed (toward a smile that looks much prettier than the one you’re sporting now), then you may require a quick review. Receiving the main highlights of each solution will help you better see which treatment may […]
Bruxism And Your Tooth Pain
Did you know that if you’re dealing with pain in one tooth or even tooth pain throughout your mouth, this might not be the result of cavities or other hygiene-related problems? In some cases, serious discomfort may result from a problem we refer to as bruxism disorder. The short explanation is that you may be […]
Severe Weather Awareness Week!
As you may already know, our town is participating in Severe Weather Awareness Week, which has included testing of the outdoor sirens and which provides you and every community member with an easy way to receive notification of emergencies right away. Do you ever wish there was an easier way to quickly receive severe weather […]
3 Times You Just Need Cosmetic Braces
What do we mean in this instance when we refer to your potentially needing cosmetic braces? What we mean is that some people need just a bit of an adjustment to get their smile looking more uniform and much more beautiful. Others need true alignment improvement throughout their entire smile because it is causing additional […]
What To Do About: Types Of Tooth Pain?
There are a lot of different ways you may categorize your tooth pain. If we were to get extremely general, however, then we might break down the details into pain you can clearly identify, pain that you can guess as to why it is showing up, and then pain that’s come out of seemingly nowhere. […]
Tooth Pain? We Can Fix Your Teeth!
There are many things to think about when you’re dealing with tooth pain. In addition to trying to figure out why it’s happening, how to prevent it from happening again, and more, you may find yourself primarily focused on how to make it stop at the moment! Fortunately, when your discomfort is the result of […]
World Oral Health Day: Celebrate!
We welcome you to March and want to remind you that a special global celebration is on its way: World Oral Health Day, happening on March 20th. Never heard of it? Well, that shouldn’t stop you from participating. It’s all about the world coming together to fight oral health problems and to promote education and […]
An Edible Discussion Event
What could possibly be better than finding out you get to hang out in the library and snack? If this is music to your ears (and taste buds), then you will certainly want to bring friends and family along to the upcoming An Edible Discussion event! […]