Sometimes, tooth pain can be very straightforward and you know just what’s happening. In other cases, you may find that your toothache causes you a lot of confusion. You might not be sure why you’re experiencing discomfort, what to make of the problem, or how to move forward. The short answer is: Come in for […]
Category: Restorative Dentistry
Oral Pain: Nothing Ever Works … Now What?
Have you been trying and trying to deal with tooth pain at home but nothing is working? Maybe you have tried to take over-the-counter pain relievers or even prescription strength and you find that you still deal with discomfort. Perhaps your dental hygiene is impeccable and you thought that this would make all the difference […]
Tooth Pain? We Can Fix Your Teeth!
There are many things to think about when you’re dealing with tooth pain. In addition to trying to figure out why it’s happening, how to prevent it from happening again, and more, you may find yourself primarily focused on how to make it stop at the moment! Fortunately, when your discomfort is the result of […]
Painful Chewing: Why And What To Do?
If you find that as you take a bite of food, you experience painful chewing, this is generally a sign letting you know that you need our care. Of course, it doesn’t mean that you need to become overly worried. We are here to provide you with whatever type of dental care you need to […]
Sudden Tooth Pain (And What To Do)
In many cases, when a toothache begins to develop, you will notice a bit of discomfort at first that continues to build. Or, a little bit of pain will come and go as the issue progresses. Then, of course, you may find yourself having a very different type of experience when you deal with the […]
Broken Tooth: 3 Things To Avoid Thinking
A broken tooth can feel scary and can cause you to think all sorts of things. Of course, our hope is that you will remain calm should this happen to you, call us, and come see us for treatment. What might happen, though, could include any number of things! You might feel quite confident about […]
Tooth Pains: Will They Always Happen?
When you experience a toothache, you resolve the issue by coming in for treatment, and you go home, you hope that’s the end of any type of tooth pain. However, perhaps you experience another problem with discomfort, you see us again for restorative care, and you return home. What you’d like is to avoid this […]
Decay: Where Is The Toothache?
You may come to us, learn that you have tooth decay, and then immediately wonder where the toothache is. Shouldn’t your tooth hurt if you have a cavity? If there’s no pain, does that mean that you don’t actually have an oral health problem that requires restorative care? Don’t worry. If you think you’re the […]
Fast Facts: If You Break A Tooth
If you break a tooth, we know that you’re not going to be too thrilled. However, when you can overcome the initial shock that you just experienced some damage, we think you’ll be happy and relieved to learn that there’s help ahead! Glance through our fast facts, so you feel less uncertain and concerned about […]
Toothaches: Don’t Jump To Conclusions!
If you jump to the conclusion that something is very wrong with your tooth and that it’s going to be a very big deal, you’re going to upset yourself. There’s no need for that! When you deal with a toothache, even if you require restorative care, everything will be just fine. Of course, remaining calm […]