By looking into the different services offered to those who want cosmetic dental improvements, you can discover that the right procedure is more conservative than you expect. Your Prairie Village, KS dentist can target a problem with a tooth that stands out for the wrong reasons through tooth bonding and contouring services. This approach is […]
Category: Cosmetic Dentistry
Can Gum Contouring Improve Your Smile?
If you have an interest in improving your smile, you may find that the right cosmetic procedure is one that corrects problems with your gums rather than change the way your teeth look. A gum contouring procedure can make your smile more symmetrical, and it can address visible problems caused by bumpy, uneven, or otherwise […]
When You Begin Teeth Whitening Treatment
If your growing dissatisfaction with your smile can be traced back to problems with dental discoloration, you should know that the right treatment can make a significant difference. You can see stunning results from a professional whitening procedure, as your Prairie Village, KS dentist can provide a treatment option that removes stains that have accumulated […]
How Veneers Differ From Dental Crowns
Teeth are restored for different reasons. Treatments that affect your tooth structure are often performed in order to restore your oral health. For example, after we deal with a cavity, we will provide either a dental filling or dental crown. However, in some cases, we can use restorations to address physical trauma, or even to […]
Hiding Flaws Through Tooth Bonding Work
Even slight flaws that concern the shape, size, and color of your teeth can draw more unwanted attention than you are comfortable receiving. Because symmetry is so important to the way you look, these issues can also have an unfairly significant effect on your overall appearance. The good news is that a conservative cosmetic procedure […]
Effectively Treating A Chipped Tooth
While a chip in your enamel may not be serious enough to negatively impact your oral health, it can be a serious problem for your smile. That flaw can stand out more than you like, and it can throw off your appearance in ways that truly frustrate you. Fortunately, there is something that you can […]
Your Smile After Treatment With Veneers
When you have problems with your smile that make you unhappy with your overall appearance, there are clear benefits to discussing cosmetic dental work. Unfortunately, people may hold back from these discussions because of concerns that they never raise. For those who have several issues they want to address, the idea of treatment can be […]
Take Home A Customized Whitening Kit
Can you really take care of teeth stains at home? There are many products available at your grocery store or pharmacy that offer to whiten your smile, but they can deliver limited results. However, you can make more exciting changes when you use a customized whitening kit that you take home from our Prairie Village, […]
Choosing Tooth Bonding Treatment
There are several procedures you can choose from if you want to take on problems with your smile. As you look into your different treatment options, you may be surprised at just how conservative cosmetic work can be, which means you can have an easier time seeing your desired improvements. At our Prairie Village, KS […]
Smile Flaws We Can Address With Veneers
Generally speaking, people look into cosmetic dental work because they want to feel more comfortable with their smile. Of course, the path to feeling better about the way your teeth look will vary from one person to another. For some, the right approach will make changes to enamel color, while others are looking for a […]