Have you been wanting to correct imperfections with your current grin? Cosmetic treatments can address these issues and reveal the natural beauty that exists within your smile. We could correct problems with the shape or shade of your teeth in a few simple visits to our office. You can enjoy a brand new smile that […]
Removing Cavities And Restoring Teeth
When your teeth are clean, you help protect them from the corrosive damage of dental plaque and tartar. By brushing and flossing each day, you remove deposits that produce acidic waste that can wear away at the surface of your enamel. With poor hygiene, buildups continue to feed on debris from your meals, leading to […]
Helping You Detect Oral Cancers
The benefits of routine dental care go beyond regularly cleaning your teeth! When you attend one of your biannual checkups, we also perform an inspection of your entire oral cavity. By observing any sudden changes in the appearance of your lips, gums, tongue, and cheeks, we can determine if any new conditions have appeared. If […]
Replacing Your Lost Tooth
Whenever you lose a tooth, it can quickly impact your quality of life. Because your teeth support the structure of your face, not only will others notice the gap in your smile, but your face may begin to sink in as well. This can give a prematurely older appearance and may be quite embarrassing. You […]
Cosmetic Improvements For Your Teeth
One of the most fun areas of working in oral care is the creativity afforded when performing cosmetic enhancements for your smile. Because the appearance of your teeth is so important when making an impression on others, we can work closely with you to design the smile of your dreams. A simple consultation can reveal […]
Protection For Nightly Teeth Grinding
What steps do you take each day to protect your teeth? Making healthy choices at mealtime and reducing sugar intake helps you prevent decay. By brushing twice per day, you also remove oral bacteria that can lead to cavities and gum disease. But what can you do for an oral threat that happens when you […]
Focusing On Your Oral Hygiene At Home
When you take the time to focus on your health each day, you enjoy a higher quality of life by reducing your chances for disease as well as stress. This includes practicing daily habits that help maintain your oral hygiene. When you clean your teeth and gums each morning, you enjoy fresher breath while preventing […]
Dental Implants Restore Lost Teeth
If you have recently lost one or more of your teeth, you know the frustration that comes with adjusting to your new appearance. Not only can this problem cause embarrassment, but left untreated, a missing tooth can contribute to significant oral health problems. You may find simple tasks such as eating and speaking radically altered […]
Cosmetic Treatments To Improve Smiles
Are you looking for valuable ways to enhance your appearance? If imperfections in your smile are a cause for concern, cosmetic dentistry can provide the improvement you are looking for. Issues with the appearance of your teeth can take a significant toll on your well-being when they affect your self-confidence. Problems with discoloration, chips, or […]
Removing Cavities And Protecting Teeth
Your oral hygiene practices form the best defense against the tooth decay process that causes cavities and weakens your smile. While brushing and flossing every day are necessary to maintain a healthy mouth, you must schedule regular visits to your dentist to provide an examination and treat decay. This preventive attitude towards oral health should […]