Category: Restorative Dentistry

Is Anxiety Keeping You From Scheduling Dental Work?

When individuals suffer from dental anxiety, they can have a difficult time committing to their oral health needs. For some, their anxieties are strong enough to keep them from scheduling any routine dental exams, and can even keep them away despite struggling with worrying tooth pain. Our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office is sensitive to […]

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What Are My Options For Restoring My Chipped Tooth?

Chipped teeth can age your smile, make you appear generally less attractive and healthy, and even interfere with your dental function. While our teeth are protected by remarkably strong enamel, they can be hurt. When damage occurs, even in the form of relatively minor chips, teeth can actually become vulnerable to more damage. At our […]

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Can I Trust A Tooth-Colored Filling Stay In Good Condition?

Rather than restore your tooth with a conspicuous metal filling, your Prairie Village, KS dentist can instead take care of it by placing a more attractive dental filling capable of imitating your tooth structure. These tooth-colored fillings are still able to provide long-term support, and they can offer enough structural support to let you confidently […]

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