Category: Preventive Dentistry

Your Brushing Habits May Be Less Effective Than You Realize

If you brush twice a day, and you generally feel confident in the appearance of your teeth, you may feel that no changes to your routine are required. With that said, many patients have walked into their dentist’s office confident in their oral health, then discovered in the course of their oral health exam that […]

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Do The Following To Stay Informed About Your Oral Health

If you want to prevent problems with your oral health, a thorough and consistent brushing and flossing routine will be important, as will a smart diet that keeps sugar consumption to a minimum. If you want to stay informed about your oral health, you should take advantage of the preventive services offered by your dentist, […]

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Preventing Problems That Leave Teeth Dull Or Discolored

While bright, healthy teeth can be good for a person’s confidence, it can sometimes feel difficult to keep your enamel from showing some signs of discoloration. Part of the problem is that, simply put, many popular products we eat and drink are able to leave particles behind that stain teeth. With that said, discoloration is […]

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Acknowledging The Impact Your Diet Is Having On Your Smile

Are you sabotaging your efforts to keep your smile clean, and making yourself less safe against the threat of tooth decay? People who put time and effort into brushing and flossing their teeth can make themselves vulnerable to oral health problems because they are not being mindful of their diet’s impact on their well-being. If […]

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What Can I Do To Address Visible Tartar Deposits?

Spots of discoloration, or the visible buildup of hard, sticky material on teeth, can make your smile look less attractive. It can reflect poorly on a person’s oral health, at least when others see their smile. An issue with tartar deposits can be embarrassing, but it can also be a particularly frustrating problem because buildup […]

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