Are You Having Trouble Sticking To Your Oral Care Routine?

young black woman with glasses uncomfortable with questionIs your oral care regimen good enough to consistently keep you safe from tooth decay and gum disease? You should be brushing at least two times a day, flossing at least once, and maintaining a smart diet in order to protect yourself against oral health troubles. While many people are aware of what they need to do to avoid restorative dental work, they can experience periods of time where these tasks feel more challenging. Emotional and physical changes may affect how committed you are to your dental health; sometimes, a relatively small change in a person’s routine is enough to throw off their normal regimen! Our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office encourages patients to follow good habits during routine dental exams. If problems do arise, we can offer restorative dental work to make sure they are properly resolved!

Consistency Matters If You Want To Prevent Dental Problems

Unfortunately, oral bacteria can continue to gather and multiply in a person’s mouth over time. When these microbes are able to feed on sugar from the foods you consume, they can release acids that start to wear down your enamel and lead to decay. Because this is a consistent threat, patients need to be consistent with their oral care routine. Even a short break in your commitment to brushing and flossing can lead to plaque and tartar buildup, which can lead to oral health concerns.

Emotional And Physical Changes May Affect Your Oral Health

A relatively small change in your life, like a change in your sleep habits, may become an issue for your smile. A lack of sleep can make you less attentive while you brush and floss, or cause you to sometimes skip this habit. Problems with your physical health can also intrude on your consistent oral care.

One issue to watch out for is stress. Over time, a prolonged period of stress can cause dry mouth, and may lead to teeth grinding issues. Teeth grinding can hurt the appearance of your smile, and it can lead to chronic aches and pains that affect your jaw, face, and head.

Make The Most Of Your Time Spent Brushing And Flossing

When you commit to brushing and flossing, give yourself time to thoroughly work over every part of your mouth to remove harmful oral bacteria. Brushing effectively should take up at least two minutes of your time if you want to be thorough. You should also take care of your teeth by flossing on a daily basis. Flossing protects portions of your smile that can be hard to address with a brush alone.

Dr. Browne Helps Prairie Village, KS Residents Protect Their Smiles

Dr. Browne is committed to helping the Prairie Village, KS community enjoy happy, healthy smiles! To learn more about our different services, please call our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office at 913-901-8585.