When you spend time thinking about your dental hygiene, you may discover that you come up with some new ideas that you assume might work for you. For instance, you may convince yourself that if you brush more often than twice a day, you will be able to skip flossing. We applaud your attempt at […]
Category: Dental Hygiene
3 Smile-Friendly Stocking Stuffers
Are you hoping to spread some smile safeguarding joy this year as you sneak little gifts into stockings? Don’t let your dental hygiene dreams fall flat! We have some helpful and easy suggestions for every member of your family. […]
Toothpaste Time: Do You Know The Facts?
Have you ever taken a glance at your tube of toothpaste and realized you never received any type of formal education (or even a casual education) about your paste? Perhaps you have long wondered whether gel or paste is better, if flavor matters, and how much you should really be using for effective dental hygiene. […]
How Can I Prevent Plaque and Tartar?
Plaque and tartar can be extremely harmful for your teeth. If left untreated, they can cause cavities, tooth decay and tooth loss, and infection. Plaque, a sticky film made up of the bacteria within your mouth, is impossible to prevent from forming. If left untreated, it can quickly form tartar, which is calcified plaque that […]
Q&A: What’s This Water Flosser I’ve Heard About?
Has someone you know mentioned using a water flosser instead of dental floss? If so, you may be feeling like there’s been a secret about dental hygiene you wish you’d known all along. Then again, you may be wondering if this news is too good to be true. As a matter of fact, this option […]
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Flossing: Check In On Your Technique
Do you think that over the years, you’ve come up with quite an amazing and effective system of flossing that has been working wonders for you? If you are like many patients, you might answer with something along the lines of, “No, not really.” If so, we encourage you to take a moment to check […]
Electric Toothbrushes: Should I Use One?
The more you pay attention to the advertisements around you, the more you will discover you keep hearing about electric toothbrushes. While you may at first dismiss them since we are all but drowning in ads these days, you may suddenly find yourself somewhat enamored with the benefits. Rest assured, you don’t need to struggle […]
Quiz: Are You Brushing Your Teeth Correctly?
While it might feel like as long as you brush your teeth, you’re doing all that you need to do for yourself, this isn’t the case. To ensure you’re brushing correctly for dental hygiene that offers effective results, there are a few areas that require your attention. Making sure the bristles are your best option and […]
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Is A Low-Carb Diet Good For Your Teeth?
We all know that a healthy diet is good for our hearts, blood pressure, cholesterol, weight, and can even increase our energy levels. However, now research shows that a healthy, low-carb diet is also good for our teeth. Carbohydrates turn into sugar in our bodies and we all know that sugar is not good for […]
What Is The Difference Between A Regular Dental Cleaning And A Deep Cleaning?
Dental cleanings are performed to help keep your teeth clean and healthy, which means free from bacterial plaque and tartar. Certain bacteria in your mouth feed on leftover food debris and sugars from foods and beverages, and in the process multiply and produce harmful enamel-eating acids. The bacteria and acids mix with your saliva and […]
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