In the event that you need a cavity treatment, you can be happy to know that the right procedure can protect your tooth and still preserve your smile. Our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office can provide dental fillings that are made from a resin substance that closely matches your enamel. Upon placement, this material can […]
We Offer Prompt Care For Cracked Enamel
Setting up treatment after a tooth injury is important, as it will help you regain your confident smile and also help you avoid potential complications. At our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office, we can help you avoid trouble with your oral health and appearance by offering emergency dental services. At these appointments, patients who are […]
The Benefits Of Orthodontic Clear Aligners
When you decide to take on problems with unevenly spaced teeth, you can find that there are more treatment options open to you than you anticipated. Some patients who assumed they would have to rely on metal braces can find instead that removable Orthodontic Clear Aligners are available to them. When you have access to […]
3 Reasons To Make Checkups A Priority
Do you want to keep a healthy, attractive smile for as long as possible? This is certainly a smart goal, as the care you put into your teeth and gums will have benefits for your health as well as your appearance. At our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office, we can work with you to ensure […]
We Can Address Urgent Dental Problems
When your concerns about your oral health revolve around issues like dental damage or significant pain, it can be difficult to ignore the problem. In fact, you can find yourself eager to set up treatment as soon as possible to have the matter reviewed and resolved. Fortunately, patients at our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office […]
Your Smile After Straightening Your Teeth
When you have poorly aligned teeth, good oral health may not be enough to make you feel good about your smile. Fortunately, there are options for orthodontic treatment that make fixing malocclusion easier than you anticipate. Our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office provides access to Orthodontic Clear Aligners, a set of appliances that will discreetly […]
Successfully Restoring Your Smile Color
As the years pass, exposure to different dark or color-rich foods and drinks can gradually dull your smile. As this happens, you can gradually lose confidence in your appearance, as you can worry that you look older and less healthy. While it can be difficult to manage this problem on your own, you can find […]
Addressing Urgent Concerns Over A Broken Tooth
The moment you break a tooth, you can recognize that you now have an urgent issue to bring up with your dentist. However, if you do not know what kind of emergency services are available to you, the time you lose in finding out can lead to more pain and a higher risk for complications. […]
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Wearing Clear Aligners During Work
During the workday, you can be understandably concerned about maintaining a professional demeanor. Unfortunately, concerns about appearances can stand between individuals and orthodontic treatment, as many worry that braces will negatively impact how they are perceived. At our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office, we can provide a discreet alternative to metal braces, one that lets […]
Helpful Information About Tooth Bonding
By looking into the different services offered to those who want cosmetic dental improvements, you can discover that the right procedure is more conservative than you expect. Your Prairie Village, KS dentist can target a problem with a tooth that stands out for the wrong reasons through tooth bonding and contouring services. This approach is […]