Trusting Smile Care To Clear Aligners

There are different cosmetic dental treatments that can take on problems with the way a person looks when they smile. For people who feel embarrassment over gaps and overlaps between teeth, our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office can recommend starting corrective work with Orthodontic Clear Aligners. As an alternative to metal braces, these aligners can make the work of improving your appearance easier to fit into your daily life. The appliances you receive will be clear and easy to remove, so they create fewer problems for you. In some cases, we can look at other options for cosmetic work to hide these spacing flaws. If you qualify for another approach, we can have results ready for you to show off in less time!

Are You Ready To Learn How Orthodontic Clear Aligners Can Change Your Smile?

You can use Orthodontic Clear Aligners to fix the problem of excess space between certain teeth, and they can also help to correct problems with crowding that causes embarrassing overlaps. These appliances have appeal as alternatives to metal braces because they can correct issues with malocclusion without creating some of the concerns that people have about this kind of corrective care. They are hard to see, so they will not make you self-conscious. It is also easy to remove them, which means you will not have to worry about how they might change your approach to daily smile care or eating.

Planning Corrective Work For Uneven Teeth Spacing

To properly plan your corrective work, we will need to take detailed measurements of your teeth. This lets us know what movements need to be made as well as what shape and size your appliances should be. You will receive a custom-made set of aligners, with each one taking you part of the way to seeing your desired results. While you can take these appliances out whenever they are in your way, you should keep them on throughout each day to avoid delays in care. When we evaluate you, we can discuss the potential benefits of hiding spacing problems with a cosmetic dental procedure such as the placement of porcelain veneers. With this approach, we can help you see the changes you want in less time!

Talk To Your Prairie Village, KS Dentist About Treatment With Clear Aligners!

Is there really something that you can do to fix problems with your poor teeth spacing discreetly? Rather than accept that you need to wear metal braces for an extended period of time, you can meet with Dr. Browne to talk about how you would like to see what Orthodontic Clear Aligners can do for you! With these appliances, we are able to make the work of fixing gaps and overlaps discreet. This can be welcome news to anyone who feels embarrassed by poor spacing, and it can also be a way to make improvements to your dental function and health. If you would like to find out more, please reach out to our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office at 913-901-8585.