Oral health issues can be discovered during routine oral health exams. Patients can actually be surprised to learn that something is wrong during an appointment, as an issue can be identified before symptoms begin to affect them. With that said, there are times when patients know something is wrong and need to see their dentist […]
Choosing Between Clear Aligners And Braces
While you can feel certain that you want to do something about poor dental alignment, you may be less than clear on how you should approach corrective work. If you want to do something about the problem without trying to accommodate a set of fixed metal braces, you can discuss an alternative approach with Orthodontic […]
The Value Of Regular Dental Checkups
The care you take to protect your smile can help you maintain confidence in the way you look, and it can protect you against potentially serious problems with your teeth and gums. As important as it is to have a routine in place that you follow on your own, you should count on more than […]
When Tooth Decay Is An Urgent Issue
While cavities are often caught and treated during routine oral health exams, severe decay can make treatment a priority. The onset of persistent or serious discomfort can be a warning that your cavity is responsible for an infection within the tooth structure. In time, this infection can lead to both the further spread of bacteria […]
Cosmetic Success With Clear Aligners
How should you approach treatment to fix poor teeth spacing? If you want to do something about gaps or overlaps between teeth but hope to avoid using metal braces, our Prairie Village, KS dental practice can help. We can provide a solution in the form of Orthodontic Clear Aligners. You will depend on a set […]
Restorative Work For A Loosened Tooth
Restorative treatment can take on different threats, including the threat of tooth loss due to an injury. With that said, it is important that you act quickly when you have a tooth that has been made insecure. The longer it takes you to do something about this problem, the more likely you are to experience […]
Porcelain Veneers And Smile Confidence
When you have a confident smile, you can feel more at ease with the first impression you make, have a greater degree of comfort in social situations, and generally feel better about your overall appearance. In other words, there are real advantages to feeling good about the way your teeth look, and there are consequences […]
Your Expectations For Emergency Dentistry
It can certainly be upsetting to experience a dental emergency. With that said, the experience you have can be less stressful when you know what your dentist is prepared to do for you. Our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office is ready to help you in those moments where you need support as soon as possible. […]
Questions To Ask About Prosthetic Dentistry
The longer it takes you to do something about tooth loss, the more likely you are to experience complications that further hurt your incomplete smile. These problems include difficulties with TMJ disorder, worries about losing more teeth, and the development of issues with jawbone deterioration. Our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office is prepared to help, […]
Clear Aligners And Your Cosmetic Goals
What improvements to your smile would you like to show off? If you have the right approach to care, there are many welcome changes that you can make to the way you look. In fact, you can find that the services available to you can make cosmetic work easier to undergo than you anticipate. There […]