If you are not protecting your smile by attending regular dental exams, you can face several oral health risks. The problems range from letting tartar form and accumulate on teeth to allowing cavities and other harmful problems to go unnoticed until they cause complications that must be addressed. At our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office, […]
Emergency Care Lowers Tooth Loss Risks
When nothing seems to be wrong with your smile, you can easily wait until your next scheduled oral health exam to see your dentist. When something is wrong, particularly when that “something” appears to make tooth loss a possibility, an appointment becomes a more urgent concern! At our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office, Dr. Browne […]
Will Clear Aligners Affect Your Routine?
If you begin treatment to fix problems with your teeth spacing, will you have to make adjustments to your daily routine? People who expect to receive metal braces can assume some changes will be required. After all, they will have an appliance that is fixed in place, one that can draw unwanted attention and potentially […]
Managing A Teeth Grinding Habit
Problems with nighttime teeth grinding can follow you into the daytime. Waking up after a night of grinding and clenching can mean waking up with pain in your face and jaw. Over time, the wear and tear on your enamel can lead to worrying smile changes, and it can even result in problems with dental […]
Making A Dental Emergency Less Stressful
When is your next planned dental visit? Typically, patients stay consistent with recommended care by sticking to a semiannual appointment schedule. Unfortunately, all it takes is one unlucky moment to leave you in need of treatment sooner than anticipated. After an injury affects your smile, you can find it necessary to book treatment as soon […]
Discreetly Dealing With Malocclusion
Malocclusion refers to problems with teeth spacing, which can affect people to different degrees. For many who are aware that the problem affects them, excitement about treatment can be balanced against worries that braces will be intrusive and unsightly. By finding a discreet alternative to treatment, you can look forward to a kind of care […]
3 Reasons Why Root Canals Are Performed
A root canal procedure is something that can be avoided, but once it becomes necessary, you should make it a priority. This service deals with issues within the tooth structure that threaten your tooth and your overall oral health. By providing it, your Prairie Village, KS dentist can stop a problem that is causing you […]
What Should You Expect From Clear Aligners?
Are you looking for an an approach to straightening an uneven smile that does not require metal braces? When you speak with your Prairie Village, KS dentist about your options for improving your appearance, you can learn about the positive impact of Orthodontic Clear Aligners. As an alternative to traditional appliances, clear aligners provide benefits […]
Counting On Lumineers To Change Your Smile
If you want to see a significant smile change, will you have to depend on a long and drawn out cosmetic procedure? At our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office, we provide different options for care, including an option that can have lasting value while minimizing the work that needs to take place to make the […]
Timely Care For A Cracked Tooth
The time you spend not treating a cracked tooth can mean more time feeling self-conscious about your smile and more time to experience a harmful infection that threatens your oral health. Our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office is ready to provide timely care for different oral health issues. Because we make emergency dental services available to patients […]