When you deal with broken teeth, you’re experiencing something much more serious than an annoying inconvenience. Remember that your teeth are alive and that they’re part of a much larger framework that provides you with necessary daily functions. When one or more becomes severely injured, it can have a localized and widespread effect on your […]
Category: Restorative Dentistry
Tooth Pain: Your FAQs (With Our Answers!)
We understand that when you suffer from tooth pain, you may not know what the right thing is. Should you call us up to schedule a visit? Should you stay home and try to tend to the issue by yourself, in hopes that it will resolve and you can stop worrying about it? Try our […]
Think Fast: Responding To Your Toothache!
When you’re experiencing a toothache, trying to figure out the best way to proceed to address the situation can become surprisingly confusing. One one hand, you definitely don’t want to feel as though you’re making choices that turn out to be an overreaction to discomfort. On the other hand, something might be seriously wrong and […]
Holidays Are Coming: Why Get A Root Canal?
Of course, we are not suggesting you ask us if you can have a root canal treatment just because the holidays are coming. We are saying, however, that if this is a restorative treatment we have recommended for the well being of your smile, then you should do everything in your power to schedule your […]
3 Important Facts About Infected Teeth
The last thing you really want to think about, of course, is an infected tooth. It’s something that will require care, such as a root canal treatment, it can become quite uncomfortable, and it’s just not a lot of fun. However, we feel it’s important for you to learn more about infected teeth because when […]
3 C’s: Why Your Tooth Needs A Crown
You might not feel overjoyed when we tell you that you need a dental crown. That is, until you realize that receiving a crown is extremely beneficial and can actually rescue your smile! The process of receiving this restoration is a simple one and, fortunately, once you’ve got your crown in place, you will be […]
FAQs: Am I Too Old For…?
For nearly every treatment you can imagine, we end up hearing the following question: Am I too old? In most instances, you will discover that the answer in regard to your oral health needs, your smile goals, and our dental care services is, “No, you aren’t too old.” To help you better understand why age […]
3 Easy Ways To Avoid A Broken Tooth
If you’ve ever had a friend who broke a tooth, you might have thought to yourself, “Phew! That sounds awful! Glad it’s not me!” While we understand that it’s easy to feel disconnected from this problem, the truth is that anyone can end up with a broken tooth. You can go from an intact smile […]
Porcelain Dental Work: A Quick Quiz
If you ever experience a cavity or damaged tooth, and you want your smile to continue looking lovely, chances are good you will end up with a lifelike restoration in place. Or, if you are hoping for a true smile makeover, veneers might become your selection. In such instances, your smile is soon to contain […]
Quiz: Will Decay Always Require A Filling?
Are you under the impression that if you have a cavity, no matter what you will need a dental filling for your tooth? As a matter of fact, tooth decay isn’t a cut and dry situation. Instead, sometimes it will be something that is going to require a filling but not always. So, how to […]