If your next dental exam is not scheduled yet, you should make that next appointment a priority. Semiannual dental exams provide an important line of defense between you and the different threats that can impact your smile and overall health. Our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office can provide you with the kind of preventive services […]
Category: Preventive Dentistry
Teeth Cleanings And Harmful Tartar Buildup
Your daily routine has obvious importance when it comes to fighting the accumulation of plaque, as well as in preventing problems with tooth decay, gum disease, and tartar formation. With that said, it is important to remember that preventive efforts can stop issues from occurring, but they can prove less effective at preventing those issues […]
Scheduling Regular Dental Checkups
At every regular dental exam, we take several steps to make sure that patients are able to maintain—or return to—good oral health. One measure we take is to provide a thorough teeth cleaning that removes harmful bacteria and food debris to prevent problems from occurring. Dr. Browne also provides a thorough evaluation so that we […]
Ultrasonic Scaling And Your Gum Health
Keeping your gums healthy can make a bigger difference than you realize in how you maintain your overall health. Complications from gum disease can negatively affect your ability to manage your well-being, and can even make it more difficult for you to manage other active health concerns. You also have to worry about tooth loss, […]
What To Ask Your Dentist During A Checkup
When you go in for your next dental checkup, you may have several questions. It may come as no surprise that your dentist is prepared to answer the question of whether you have any cavities that need to be treated. However, you may be unsure of what else you can discuss during an appointment? Remember […]
Why Teeth Cleanings Should Happen Regularly
If you feel that you do a good job protecting your smile at home, do you really need to make routine teeth cleanings at the dentist’s office a priority? The trouble with assuming you have nothing to worry about when it comes to your smile health is that you can fail to recognize when an […]
Managing Stress To Protect Your Smile
When you think about the benefits of better stress management, do you think about how you can protect your smile? Periods of heightened stress can impact us in many ways. Through physical changes and habit changes, these periods can make it harder for you to keep your teeth in good condition. One physical issue to […]
3 Problems Flossing Will Help You Avoid
Are you anxious about your next dental exam? People who feel less confident in their daily oral care routine can expect to hear bad news at their next checkup. This does not mean you should put off a visit until you change your habits! After all, an exam gives your dentist an opportunity to identify any active […]
How Checkups Help Prevent Cavities
If you want to protect yourself against the formation of cavities, you should stick to a thorough oral hygiene routine. This means more than just brushing and flossing – it means being thorough when you care for your smile, and it also means making smart choices with your diet to protect your enamel. With that […]
An Ultrasonic Scaling Protects Your Gums
The health of your gums can actually affect your general and dental well-being in more ways than you may realize. When it is not caught and treated in time, an issue with gingivitis can worsen and become hard to manage. In time, the problem can lead to a higher risk for tooth loss, and it […]