Are you doing your part to protect your smile against cavities and gum disease? If you want to stay safe from problems, it is important that you keep up with a good brushing and flossing routine so that you can control plaque and avoid tartar buildup. It is also important to remember that you have […]
Category: Preventive Dentistry
How Do I Avoid Tartar Buildup?
If you want to avoid problems with dental decay and gingivitis, you should be focused on how you can effectively fight plaque and tartar buildup. Bacteria and other substances on your teeth can form plaque, and when deposits of plaque are not removed in time, they calcify to form tartar. Unfortunately, once that hardening takes […]
In-Office Dental Care For Your Gums
If you want to keep up a reliable defense against gingivitis, you should have a routine in place that will regularly fight off the accumulation of oral bacteria at the base of your teeth. With the right brushing and flossing habits, you can do this effectively, but you should know that this should not be […]
3 Reasons To Book Your Next Dental Exam
Has your next dental exam been booked yet, or have you put off setting your next appointment? If you fall behind on preventive dental care, you can miss out on important care, something that can have real consequences for you over time. People who are not consistent about exams and cleanings can have more issues […]
How Your Dentist Helps Fight Gingivitis
If you want to keep your smile healthy and attractive, you should think about how you are protecting your gums as well as your teeth. Proper periodontal care will help you avoid an infection that could lead to tooth loss, changes in your gum line, and even problems with your general well-being. Your Prairie Village, […]
The Benefits Of Scheduled Teeth Cleanings
How long has it been since you last had your teeth cleaned? The care provided in the course of a dental exam is important, as it can offer a level of support that you are not able to match when you rely solely on brushing and flossing to protect your smile. These sessions provide valuable […]
3 Reasons To Make Checkups A Priority
Do you want to keep a healthy, attractive smile for as long as possible? This is certainly a smart goal, as the care you put into your teeth and gums will have benefits for your health as well as your appearance. At our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office, we can work with you to ensure […]
Keeping Your Smile Tartar-Free
If you want to control your risks for problems like dental decay and gum disease, controlling tartar buildup will be important. You can do this by maintaining a good oral hygiene routine, one that sees you brush and floss thoroughly to keep bacteria and food debris from accumulating on your smile. With that said, make […]
Dental Exams And Gum Disease Prevention
What do you really gain from regular dental checkups? When you make a habit of preventive care, you can enjoy protection against both dental decay and problems with your periodontal health. Better protection against gum disease can help you avoid many issues later in life, including tooth loss. At our Prairie Village, KS dental practice, […]
Effectively Preventing Dental Problems
How much work do you currently put into protecting your smile from harm? You should take time each day to carefully brush and floss, and you should limit your exposure to sugary and acidic foods to limit potential problems with your oral health. The right daily behaviors will be important, but you should also keep […]