When you have dental discoloration, you could feel embarrassed. But instead of hiding your smile from the world, why not seek professional treatment? With cosmetic dentistry, we can offer professional teeth whitening to brighten smiles by several shades! In today’s blog, your Prairie Village, KS, dentist talks about our take-home teeth whitening kit. […]
Stopping Discomfort Caused By TMJ And Bruxism
When you have persistent pain in your head and jaw, this could impact your quality of life and be a sign of disorders like TMD, also known as TMJ disorder, and bruxism. Our team can offer a diagnosis with precision, and treatment with a custom oral appliance. In today’s blog, your Prairie Village, KS, dentist […]
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How Dental Cleanings Can Improve Oral Health
When you have plaque and tartar on your teeth, brushing and flossing alone cannot remove these layers, leaving your smile vulnerable to cavities and gum disease. But with a professional dental cleaning, your Prairie Village, KS, dentist can improve your oral health and help your smile shine! […]
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Oral Cancer Screenings Are Crucial For Adults
As part of your dental exam visit, our team can provide an oral cancer screening to help identify areas of concern, so you can obtain treatment in a timely manner. Which is why it is essential you undergo one at least once a year. In today’s blog, your Prairie Village, KS, dentist talks about what […]
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Dental Checkups And Cleanings Safeguard Your Smile
When you have a checkup and cleaning every six months, this can help boost the health and beauty of your smile. Which is why we urge you and your family to undergo one every six months. In today’s blog, your Prairie Village, KS, dentist talks about how we help safeguard smiles with our exams and […]
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How Sedation Ensures Patient Comfort
We want to take steps to ensure your experience is a comfortable one. A key component of our approach to patient comfort is the use of dental sedation. We even have options to limit the after effects of sedation! In today’s blog, your Prairie Village, KS, dentist talks about ensuring comfort for our patients with […]
We Use Digital X-Rays For Better Accuracy And Convenience
When you see us for a routine exam, or if you come to us following an injury to a tooth, we need to assess the situation and the state of your smile with detailed images. For optimal accuracy and convenience, we have chosen the digital route! In today’s blog, your Prairie Village, KS, dentist talks […]
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Improve Your Smile With Quality Dentistry
Are you looking to enhance your smile? If so, the best place to start is at your local dentist’s office for a cleaning and an examination. By knowing more about your smile, you can make informed decisions related to your oral health, and you can also have a clearer understanding of what is achievable in […]
We Provide Urgent Care Dentistry
When you chip or crack a tooth, or one is knocked loose or out, then you need urgent care dentistry! Our team can find time to see you quickly to address your dental emergencies and prevent damaged smiles and cavities. In today’s blog, your Prairie Village, KS, dentist talks about our approach to urgent care […]
Dentures Tackle Advanced Tooth Loss
In our last blog, we looked at how our custom dental bridges can help address minor cases of tooth loss. But what if you have several missing teeth, or have lost all of them? In these situations, you may need a set of dentures. In today’s blog, your Prairie Village, KS, dentist talks about our […]