Should you be worried when your tooth continues to hurt after a physical injury? You may assume that if there is no visible damage, there is no need for you to concern yourself over trauma. However, if you continue to feel discomfort, it can be a warning that there is internal harm that will need […]
Personalizing Care With Clear Aligners
The solution to your problems with malocclusion may not involve metal braces. For patients who assume they need to have a fixed appliance put in place to adjust teeth that overlap or are too far apart, treatment can be intimidating, and as a result they can continue to put it off. What you should know […]
How Ultrasonic Scaling Treats Gingivitis
There are different issues that can be identified and treated in the course of a regular oral health appointment. One problem that your Prairie Village, KS dentist can watch for concerns the state of your gums. Gingivitis, the first stage of a periodontal infection, can be painless, but there are ways to identify it. Once […]
Using Clear Aligners On A Daily Basis
There are different reasons why people may choose not to express their interest in a straighter smile to their dentist. A big concern is with the type of treatment that will be recommended to them. For adults in particular, the idea of wearing metal braces can feel awkward and embarrassing. It can also be concerning […]
Conservative Smile Care With Lumineers
It is important to keep up with your oral health, but our Prairie Village, KS dental office understands that the appearance of your smile is also valuable. Fortunately, this is where cosmetic dentistry steps in to help. With the right procedure, we can take on any embarrassing flaws that make you wish you could keep […]
Treating Emergency Oral Health Issues
Oral health issues can be discovered during routine oral health exams. Patients can actually be surprised to learn that something is wrong during an appointment, as an issue can be identified before symptoms begin to affect them. With that said, there are times when patients know something is wrong and need to see their dentist […]
Choosing Between Clear Aligners And Braces
While you can feel certain that you want to do something about poor dental alignment, you may be less than clear on how you should approach corrective work. If you want to do something about the problem without trying to accommodate a set of fixed metal braces, you can discuss an alternative approach with Orthodontic […]
The Value Of Regular Dental Checkups
The care you take to protect your smile can help you maintain confidence in the way you look, and it can protect you against potentially serious problems with your teeth and gums. As important as it is to have a routine in place that you follow on your own, you should count on more than […]
When Tooth Decay Is An Urgent Issue
While cavities are often caught and treated during routine oral health exams, severe decay can make treatment a priority. The onset of persistent or serious discomfort can be a warning that your cavity is responsible for an infection within the tooth structure. In time, this infection can lead to both the further spread of bacteria […]
Cosmetic Success With Clear Aligners
How should you approach treatment to fix poor teeth spacing? If you want to do something about gaps or overlaps between teeth but hope to avoid using metal braces, our Prairie Village, KS dental practice can help. We can provide a solution in the form of Orthodontic Clear Aligners. You will depend on a set […]