Checkups and cleanings are important to your dental and overall health. Although they may seem unimportant, they can prevent more serious issues from developing. So if you are skipping your checkups and cleanings because you think they are an unwarranted expense, and/or an interruption to your schedule, you may want to think again. Take the […]
Category: Preventive Dentistry
What Do Trees Have To Do With My Oral Health? Part 1
When you think of your teeth and oral health you probably think of a toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss, mouthwash, and your dentist. Chances are your thoughts do not include trees! Have you ever wondered what people used to maintain their oral health before the invention of toothbrushes and dentists? Trees! Trees played an important part […]
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More About Toothbrushes
When you were a child your parents may have bought you medium or hard-bristled toothbrushes. Today you may be wondering why dentists recommend soft-bristle brushes instead. Is it because your teeth and gums are older and more sensitive? That definitely may be one reason, but the recommendation is basically a sweeping recommendation, unless otherwise noted. […]
A Telltale Sign Of Bruxing
Women do you find it attractive when you see a man working his jaw muscle? Or perhaps you find it threatening? In most cases, he probably doesn’t even realize he is doing it. However, it can be a sign of anger or stress, or he may be concentrating hard simply trying to make a decision. […]
Why It’s Important to Get Regular Oral Cancer Screenings
It isn’t as widely addressed as others, like breast cancer, but the truth is that oral cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers in America. It also boasts an alarmingly high mortality rate, though that rate is largely influenced by late-stage detection and treatment. Because of this, it’s important for your dentist to perform […]
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Checkups & Cleanings – The Most Important Dental Treatment
It’s the most common form of dental treatment, and everyone should make the visit to their dentists on a regular basis. Either because or in spite of their popularity, checkups and cleanings are also the most frequently ignored dental treatment, which makes all other dental issues even more prevalent. As the most efficient way for […]
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3 Common Things that Contribute to Tooth Loss
Maintaining a healthy, beautiful smile can be simple, but it’s an ongoing, lifelong process. Some of the most common reasons for tooth loss are dental diseases – like cavities and gum disease – that are easily preventable with a good hygiene routine and regular visits to your dentist. To help increase your chances of preserving […]
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6 Facts You Might Not Already Know About Plaque
Even though practically every commercial for dental hygiene in history has warned you about the dangers of plaque, they hardly ever go into detail about what plaque actually is. Plaque is often said in the same breath with the phrase, “Plaque and tartar,” but the distinction between the two matters quite a bit. So in […]
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Do You Really Need to Floss?
There’s been some stories lately in the news that suggest flossing isn’t necessary. We disagree. The major dental and periodontal associations disagree, too. The most important aspect of your flossing habits is that you do it correctly. Flossing, done correctly, should remove the plaque build-up from your tooth below your gum line and between your teeth, […]
How Can You Easily Eliminate Bad Breath?
Whether you’re leaning in for a kiss at the end of the date or shouting over the noise in someone’s ear, bad breath can make close moments all the more intense. They really don’t have to be if you take some simple steps to address the bad breath problem you’re facing. Bad breath, or halitosis, […]