Your Experience With Urgent Smile Care

There are times when poor oral health can be identified and discussed at your next dental checkup. In fact, you may learn about problems you were not aware of, as a careful exam can reveal issues in their early stages. However, there are also times when you require support as soon as it can be provided. For advanced discomfort or a physical injury, our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office can help! We offer emergency dental services when our patients require them. In addition to promptly providing the support that you require, we can supply the appropriate work to preserve your appearance and dental function.

We Are Ready To Help When Patients Have Urgent Dental Problems

Our commitment to emergency dental services means we can provide reliable oral health care even when you need attention as soon as possible. Because we provide this kind of support, we can care for our patients who are in pain and provide relief. We can also prevent potential complications, including tooth loss, by addressing something before it worsens. Remember that you can avoid problems with dental pain and concern over severe decay when you schedule regular exams, as we can catch and treat problems before they become serious.

Treating An Injured Or Infected Tooth

At the time you arrive, we can provide a review to see what kind of support your unhealthy tooth will require. To deal with internal problems effectively, it can be necessary for us to perform root canal treatment, which tends to problems within a tooth’s pulp. By providing this service, we remove bacteria and infected tissues, which stops discomfort and also prevents the further spread of harmful microbes. When this work is done, we can provide protection in the form of a dental crown. In the event that your tooth’s well-being has already reached a point where saving it is not possible, we can recommend a safe extraction followed by the placement of a lifelike dental prosthetic. While this is only recommended when a tooth cannot be saved, this can effectively preserve your full smile. We offer options for prosthetic work that include dental bridges and restorations held with dental implants.

Dr. Browne Can Offer Urgent Smile Care For People In And Around Prairie Village, KS!

Urgent smile care is something you will hopefully never need, but it is important to know you have access to it. After all, that awareness of what can be done for you can make it easier and less stressful to set up treatment! If you would like to learn more about our emergency oral health services, or about anything else we can do for your smile, please reach out to our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office at 913-901-8585.