Keeping Your Smile Tartar-Free

If you want to control your risks for problems like dental decay and gum disease, controlling tartar buildup will be important. You can do this by maintaining a good oral hygiene routine, one that sees you brush and floss thoroughly to keep bacteria and food debris from accumulating on your smile. With that said, make sure that your daily routine is backed up by professional dental appointments. During appointments with your Prairie Village, KS dentist, you will undergo thorough teeth cleaning that fight the accumulation of tartar. This material is difficult to remove, which is why these appointments are necessary—brushing and flossing alone can prove ineffective against deposits that have already formed.

Are You Currently Affected By Tartar Buildup?

It is possible to see visible tartar buildup. As the substance accumulates, it can create a sticky film that makes teeth appear unhealthy. The absence of visible deposits does not mean you have no problems to worry about, as the substance can be in harder to see areas. Any presence is a problem, even if it does not make you unhappy with your smile. Until they are removed, the buildup of these materials can increase your risk for problems with dental decay and gum disease.

The Importance Of Regular Teeth Cleanings

Regular teeth cleanings fight the accumulation of plaque and tartar, and they can clear away any other accumulated food debris. Every time your dentist evaluates your teeth during a routine appointment, your hygienist will provide care to keep your teeth clean. When you consistently attend these appointments, you can lower your risk for new problems that might require restorative dental work.

Why Your Next Checkup Might Include Ultrasonic Scaling

Ultrasonic scalings are not provided during every preventive appointment. This is a more advanced cleaning, one that removes bacteria that are present below your gum line. We will determine if this might be necessary if you have symptoms of gingivitis. Timely protection against this condition will help you avoid complications that can result in tooth loss as well as difficulties with managing other health problems.

Talk To Your Prairie Village, KS Dentist About Keeping Your Smile Tartar-Free

A combination of in-office care and smart oral hygiene habits at home will help you control problems with tartar and plaque buildup. Making regular appointments will help you control the accumulation of bacteria that negatively affects your well-being. They also lead to the early detection and treatment of problems that will require professional services. We provide an important variety of preventive and restorative services, and we also offer cosmetic treatment options! If you have questions that we can answer, or if you want to set up an appointment, please reach out to our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office at 913-901-8585.