Outstanding Care From Your Dentist

Smiling woman wearing glasses

The activities we perform everyday to protect our teeth form the basis of a healthy smile. Regularly brushing and flossing your teeth remove the substances that lead to tooth decay and gum disease. Your morning routine can instill confidence when you know that your breath is fresh and you have examined your smile before showing it to others. To best support your daily habits, you should attend regular dental checkups and cleanings where we can inspect and assist your efforts. Your Prairie Village, KS dentist can remove bacterial deposits beyond the scope of your tools at home as well as detect any significant threats to your oral health.

Dental Cleanings Keep Your Smile Fresh

By visiting your dentist at least every six months, you can stay on top of your oral hygiene by preventing tooth decay and treating existing problems before they become worse. When plaque turns into a calcified substance called tartar, our team has special tools that can remove these deposits that you cannot remove on your own. We will polish the crowns of your teeth to prevent plaque from sticking and allow your enamel to shine bright. We will also examine your mouth for other signs of trouble and provide appropriate recommendation to treat any existing issues.

Special Care For Gum Disease

If we determine that infection of your gums reaches an advanced state, we can perform deep cleanings to remove bacteria both above and below the gumline. Whereas a routine cleaning addresses the crown of your teeth, a deep cleaning removes plaque and tartar from the roots as well. Our office offers advanced ultrasonic technology to break up these deposits. This solution allows us to treat your disease without requiring the physical scaling of your tooth’s roots associated with traditional deep cleaning. Timely treatment of gum disease can help prevent progression that leads to tooth loss so be sure to attend every appointment.

Screening For Oral Cancer

Part of your examination process includes checking for symptoms associated with the presence of oral cancer. Because successful treatment is associated with early detection of the disease, you should not skip any of your regular dental examinations. We will inspect your jaw, mouth, and neck for abnormal growths, unnatural discolorations of tissue, sores, ulcers, or other common signs. If your symptoms suggest a diagnosis, we will refer you to a specialist right away for proper treatment. If you see any of these signs at home between visits, call our office and schedule a screening promptly.

Plan Your Dental Checkup With Your Prairie Village, KS Dentist Today!

Your dentist supports your oral health with routine cleaning and examination of your teeth. Regular visitation allows us to prevent decay and treat existing problems before they become worse. For more information and to schedule a visit, please contact your Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office at 913-901-8585.