Understanding The Benefits Of Implants

In a recent blog, we discussed how prosthetic options such as bridges and dentures can help replace your missing teeth. While these are great solutions, they are not able to replace the root of your tooth, which is essential to keeping your jaw stable. One way to achieve this is with dental implants, which mimic both the root and crown of your missing dental structure. Dr Browne and his team in Prairie Village, KS, can help guide you through these options to pick the most helpful one for your needs.

Read more: Understanding The Benefits Of Implants

What Are Dental Implants

When you lose an adult tooth, it can cause several problems with your smile. If left ignored for long periods, your other dental structures can begin to shift out of alignment. It can also be challenging to chew certain foods, and speak, and may make you feel self-conscious when you smile. There are several ways that these spaces can be filled with prosthetics, however, one of the most effective ways is with an implant. This form of prosthetic acts as both the root and crown of the tooth by using a post, abutment piece, and crown. The post will be inserted into the jaw and fuse naturally with the bone to create a stable base.

How Do Implants Compare To Other Prosthetics

There are many ways to restore a tooth if it has been damaged or has been lost. If you have fractured one of your pearly whites, a dental crown may be able to repair it. Or, if it has been severely harmed or has come out, a prosthetic may be used. For patients who have lost several teeth in the same row, a dental bridge may be used to fill the space left behind. If you have a more severe loss of dentition, full or partial dentures may be used instead. Both of these options can help improve your ability to eat and talk, but they do not replace the root.

Why Replacing The Root Is Important

Since implants can replace the root of the tooth, your jawbone can be better supported. If this part is not substituted, over time your jaw can weaken, and it may cause changes in your speech and chewing abilities. This form of replacement also includes a natural-looking crown replacement, so your smile will look natural.

One of the leading causes of tooth loss in adults is periodontal disease. To prevent this problem, it is important to maintain your oral health. You should be brushing and flossing twice a day and see your dentist twice a year to monitor for problems.

Ask Your Dentist About Your Options Today

Call the Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office today at 913-901-8585 to discuss your teeth replacement options.