Preserving Your Gums And Fighting Infection

Puzzled woman

What steps do you take to protect your gums against inflammation and infection? By taking a preventive approach to your oral care, you can preserve these critical tissues by cleaning them thoroughly each day. Fortunately, the same efforts you take to fight tooth decay help you prevent gum infection. By brushing and flossing regularly, you remove bacterial deposits that cause damage to your oral structures. If you get behind on practicing these habits every day, you risk damaging your gums, as well as developing cavities. If you notice any symptoms of gum disease, let us know right away so we may provide valuable treatment.

At your Prairie Village, KS, dental practice, we can provide specialized treatment to help fight active gum infections. In addition to our standard cleaning and examination services, we can go below your gumline to clear deposits of bacteria that inflame your connective tissues. When caught in its first stage, gingivitis, we can reverse gum disease. This means you should never put off treatment whenever you feel soreness, bleeding, or chronic bad breath!

What Are The Consequences Of Poor Gum Health?

Learning the harms that come with gum infection can help motivate you to clean them each morning! Gum disease arises from any activity that inflames the gingival tissue. As your body’s inflammatory response takes hold, your gums begin to recede, revealing pockets between your tooth’s roots. It’s here that oral bacteria can gather, continuing to feed the infection. When this happens, you may notice red puffy tissue. Brushing and flossing can cause you to bleed regularly, and your breath becomes unbearable.  As soon as you notice any of these events, schedule an appointment right away. Waiting for your next checkup could allow the disease to progress to a more permanent state, so don’t delay!

Professional Treatment For Gum Disease

When you visit our office, we will examine your gums to diagnose the extent of your gum infection. To better manage your symptoms, we can perform an ultrasonic scaling procedure that breaks up bacterial deposits below your gumline. This deep cleaning technology can help you preserve your tissues and prevent the primary cause of tooth loss among adults! If your disease becomes more complex, we can also refer you to a specialist for more involved care. Because ultrasonic scaling does not physically peel your gums back, the procedure is relatively comfortable with little recovery time.

Speak With Your Prairie Village, KS, Dentist About Maintaining Healthy Gums

Attending your dental checkups semiannually can help you catch any gum infections when they are potentially curable. If you would like more information on how we help you maintain your gums, please reach out to our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office at 913-901-8585.