Emergency Care For A Dislodged Tooth

Few dental emergencies can feel as upsetting as the loss of a tooth. This is a problem that leaves you worried about your health as well as your appearance, and you can have only a limited time to respond before the tooth cannot be saved. Fortunately, you can rely on access to timely care as a patient at our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office. When you come in for care for a partially or fully dislodged tooth, we can look at options for treatment that preserve your smile and health. Even if the only treatment option available is one that leads to the restoration of your smile with a prosthetic appliance, we can see to it that your appearance and dental function are preserved!

Am I Going To Lose A Tooth That Is Partially Or Fully Dislodged?

If your tooth is partially knocked out or already fully dislodged, you should seek emergency dental work to have the matter addressed. These issues can result in tooth loss, but there are times when smiles can be preserved with timely treatment. Our practice offers urgent care to patients when they find they have a serious problem. At your emergency appointment, we will look for the most conservative way in which we can fully take on your dental troubles. If a tooth cannot be saved, we can make sure it is replaced with a secure and lifelike restoration.

Arriving For An Appointment When You Have A Partially Or Fully Dislodged Tooth

During your emergency appointment, Dr. Browne will evaluate you and determine what kind of care is right for you. You can improve your odds of saving the tooth by caring for it properly before you arrive. If it is partially out of socket, be careful about how you handle it. Gently pressing it in place with your tongue can help it stay secure, but the force from handling it with your fingers can cause it to fully dislodge. If it is already not in its socket, and you cannot gently guide it back in place, be careful to only handle it by its crown, and take care to keep it from drying out by carrying it in a small container of milk.

Caring For Your Smile When A Tooth Cannot Be Saved

Both dental bridges and dental implant-held restorations provide permanent solutions for tooth loss. These options provide functional support, as you can trust them to absorb bite pressure, and they also offer cosmetic benefits that let you maintain confidence in how you look!

Talk To Your Prairie Village, KS Dentist About Treatment For A Dislodged Tooth

To learn more about the timely care that we can provide for your dislodged tooth, contact our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office today at 913-901-8585.