In-Office Dental Care For Your Gums

If you want to keep up a reliable defense against gingivitis, you should have a routine in place that will regularly fight off the accumulation of oral bacteria at the base of your teeth. With the right brushing and flossing habits, you can do this effectively, but you should know that this should not be your only line of defense for your smile. To protect your gums as well as your teeth, make sure you schedule dental exams on a regular basis. At our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office, we can provide different services that will help you stay healthy. One service we provide is an ultrasonic scaling, an alternative to the standard teeth cleaning we provide at a checkup. Scalings remove oral bacteria from the roots of teeth so that your gums can heal from an infection and be free of gingivitis!

Are You Currently Having Problems With Gum Disease?

Although gum disease can be a pain-free issue, it can still make you aware that something is wrong by causing other issues. They include problems with bleeding that frequently occur when you care for your smile, gradual changes in your gum line, and the discoloration or swelling of tissues. Recognizing these signs can point to the need for a more thorough hygiene routine, one that includes both brushing and flossing. If problems are identified at a dental checkup, our practice can recommend that you undergo an ultrasonic scaling to stop the threat from progressing.

An Ultrasonic Scaling Can Fight Bacteria On The Roots Of Your Teeth

Through ultrasonic scaling, we are able to remove bacteria from the roots of teeth so that they no longer cause problems for your periodontal health. Unlike standard teeth cleanings, ultrasonic scalings remove harmful microbes in areas that are typically covered by your gums. By using an ultrasonic tool for this treatment, we can make your experience more comfortable as we fight accumulated bacteria.

Protecting Your Periodontal Health Between Appointments

Just as you can protect yourself against cavities with better hygiene efforts, you can do an effective job preventing trouble with your periodontal health with the right behaviors. Brushing is important, but remember to supplement your routine with daily flossing efforts. By doing so, you will be able to remove bacteria that are present between teeth. During both activities, make sure you clean at the base of your teeth and tend to areas where teeth and gums meet.

Talk To Your Prairie Village, KS Dentist About In-Office Periodontal Care

Through the appropriate in-office care, we can help patients take on many different issues, including problems with their periodontal health. If you would like to find out more about how we can help you, please reach out to our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office at 913-901-8585.