Addressing Urgent Concerns Over A Broken Tooth

The moment you break a tooth, you can recognize that you now have an urgent issue to bring up with your dentist. However, if you do not know what kind of emergency services are available to you, the time you lose in finding out can lead to more pain and a higher risk for complications. Our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office wants people who visit us to know that we are here for them at times when they require prompt attention. When you contact us about this or any other potentially serious issue, we can offer tips on managing discomfort, and we can make plans to see you on short notices so that your care can proceed swiftly.

A Broken Tooth Is A Difficult Issue To Ignore

Whether it happens after an accident during sports or because of an unfortunate bite into something hard, a broken tooth is not a minor issue. The pain alone can motivate you to seek treatment as soon as possible. Without timely care, you run the risk of developing a worrisome infection, and you also have to concern yourself over further physical damage. The good news is that our practice encourages patients to reach out and ask for help when they have serious problems. By providing prompt treatment for your dental emergency, we can minimize your risk for complications and make sure that your oral health and smile are fully preserved.

What To Expect From An Emergency Appointment

With over the counter aspirin and an ice pack, you can manage pain that you feel before you arrive for treatment. Take care to avoid putting pressure on your tooth, as you could be more vulnerable to further harm than you realize. Once you arrive, you can meet with Dr. Browne, who will closely evaluate your tooth and see what needs to be done to fully restore it. There are times when root canal therapy is needed as part of restorative dental work, as you may need to do something about internal damage or the start of an infection.

Is It Possible To Save Your Smile?

Your tooth can be saved with the appropriate restorative dental work, but can you also count on treatment to preserve your appearance? Because we offer different types of dental crowns as part of our restorative services, we can ensure that your tooth is protected with a restoration that matches your healthy enamel.

Talk To Your Prairie Village, KS Dentist If You Need Treatment For A Broken Tooth

Because our patients have access to urgent oral health services, they can look forward to the right treatment in the event that they have a problem with an injured tooth. To find out how we can support you in this situation, please reach out to our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office at 913-901-8585.