Helpful Information About Tooth Bonding

By looking into the different services offered to those who want cosmetic dental improvements, you can discover that the right procedure is more conservative than you expect. Your Prairie Village, KS dentist can target a problem with a tooth that stands out for the wrong reasons through tooth bonding and contouring services. This approach is capable of changing the shape, color, size, and even the position of teeth without using permanent restorations. Ultimately, this can mean both a shorter procedure and fewer changes to your tooth structure. We are happy to discuss this and any other procedure you find appealing if you want to improve how you look when you smile.

Are You Interested In What Cosmetic Bonding And Contouring Can Do For You?

There are different issues that can affect a person’s confidence in the way they look. Problems with the shape of certain teeth that fit in poorly with your overall smile, concerns about dental discoloration and problems with damage or wear and tear can negatively impact your appearance. What may surprise you is how little work it will ultimately take to make the changes that interest you. With a bonding and contouring procedure, we can make the improvements you want while only making targeted improvements. This approach removes the need to provide permanent restorations, which makes the changes more conservative.

Fitting Cosmetic Treatment Into A Single Appointment

Depending on how many teeth you need restored, you can find that bonding and contouring work can fit into a single appointment! This is because we have no need to craft personalized restorations, as we do when we provide treatment with veneers or dental crowns. With no need to have restorations made, we can move forward with care in less time. We can carefully reshape a tooth that is too large, uneven, or awkward, and we can make use of composite resin to cover conspicuous flaws with the color, size, and shape of teeth.

Other Services That Can Change Your Smile

With porcelain veneers, we can take on the kind of flaws that bonding and contouring work can target. While this approach can require more time and preparatory work, it can offer greater durability, making your improvements easier to preserve. You can also discuss treatment with dental crowns for teeth that are badly damaged or need more support to better contribute to your bite function.

Talk To Your Prairie Village, KS Dentist About Tooth Bonding

We can plan a tooth bonding and contouring procedure to change your smile in as little as one appointment! Dr. Browne can talk with you about this service, and we can also review your other options for cosmetic care. If you would like to find out more about how we can help you, please call our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office at 913-901-8585.