Helpful Information You Receive During A Dental Exam

At your regular dental exams, your Prairie Village, KS dentist will share more than just whether or not you have a cavity that must be treated. These visits are meant to help patients stay on top of their oral health needs. With that in mind, your dentist is able to discuss possible issues with gum disease, signs of TMJ disorder, and other matters that might affect the appearance or well-being of your teeth. When you receive regular updates about your smile, you can count on the early detection and treatment of different problems that ultimately limit how much restorative dental work must be performed. You can also receive an early warning about potentially serious health issues, like oral cancer, thanks to your regular evaluations.

Your Dentist Will Look For Signs Of Gingivitis During Your Appointment

Gingivitis is something you can actually identify on your own. There are several problems that should concern you – bleeding gums, swelling and sensitivity, or a change in your gum line could alert you to an infection. If your dentist notices that something is wrong, an ultrasonic scaling can be performed before the infection worsens. Ultrasonic scaling is a more involved kind of cleaning, as it involves the removal of bacteria from beneath your gum line. The ultrasonic tool can more comfortably break apart bacteria, making the process easier. Because this is more involved than a traditional cleaning, the treatment time can be longer.

We Can Discuss Your Concerns With Jaw Stiffness And Pain

If you are not able to bite, chew, or speak without some discomfort, it could indicate an issue with TMJ disorder. People develop TMJ disorder under different circumstances. If an issue with your dental health, an injury, or a problem with your bite movement has caused problems for your jaw joints and muscles, treatment with a special oral appliance can help. The appliance gently moves the position of your jaw so that it experiences less stress, reducing the strain that you feel.

The Benefits Of Early Cavity Detection And Treatment

Why does it matter when a cavity is identified? The longer it takes to discover decay, the more damage your tooth can suffer. If too much time passes, it can take root canal therapy and a dental crown to make sure that the matter is completely resolved. If you have the problem caught early, it can be spotted when only a dental filling is needed.

Set Up A Dental Exam At Our Prairie Village, KS Dentist’s Office

During a routine dental visit, Dr. Browne can closely look over your teeth, gums, and oral structure to identify any areas of concern. If you have questions, or if you wish to learn more, please contact our Prairie Village, KS dental office today at 913-901-8585.