Make Sure Your Continue To Fight Plaque And Tartar Buildup

Consistency can be key when you want to protect your smile from problems like tooth decay and gum disease. From one day to the next, you should practice good brushing and flossing habits. By doing so, you are able to effectively clear away oral bacteria and remnants of food on your teeth before plaque deposits can form. Once plaque has started to build up, you can be affected by the formation of tartar. Our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office deals with tartar and plaque deposits during routine dental cleanings. With that said, the accumulation of harmful agents can make you vulnerable to problems, so it is important that you have a good routine in place to fight their buildup.

Your At-Home Oral Care Routine Can Help You Avoid Dental Troubles

By sticking with a good oral hygiene routine, you can take care of yourself and stop bacteria and food debris so that you remain safe against tooth decay and gum disease. While you should not discount the importance of preventive dental exams, the care you put into brushing and flossing can have long-term value in your efforts to avoid restorative dental work. With that said, remember that hygiene is just one part of protecting and preserving your smile. Throughout the day, you can engage in behaviors that may help or hurt your smile.

Remember To Brush AND Floss Each Day

Brushing at least two times a day will help you fight the buildup of bacteria and food debris that can occur, but even a dedicated routine can leave some spaces poorly protected. When you floss, you remove harmful particles that can be stored up between teeth. These spaces are closed to the point that they can be difficult to clean with the bristles of your brush. Flossing will help you protect the spaces where your teeth meet from cavities, and it can help you avoid problems with gum disease (as long as you remember to clean at your gum line).

Other Tips To Help You Avoid Oral Health Trouble

What you eat matters to your oral health, and so does what you drink. People sometimes overlook the impact that their beverage choices have on their smile – soft drinks and juices can be high in sugar, and they can soften teeth due to their acidity. Drinking water throughout the day can help you wash away food debris, and it can prevent dry mouth, a problem that can impact your ability to naturally fight oral bacteria.

Your Prairie Village, KS Dentist’s Office Helps Patients Avoid Dental Problems

Dr. Browne proudly provides quality smile care to people in and around the Prairie Village, KS community. If you have questions about our practice, or want to learn more about what we can do for patients, please call our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office at 913-901-8585.