Past Problems With Tooth Decay? These Tips Can Help

For people who struggle to protect themselves against cavities, restorative dental work can be a familiar experience, but far from a fun one. Many people will develop at least one cavity in the course of their life, and it is certainly possible for you to develop several over time. With that said, someone with a history of oral health troubles can be understandably eager to make changes that protect their teeth. Your Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office offers cavity support during routine dental exams and cleanings. Our practice is also here to help when you have a cavity that needs to be restored. Between your checkups, make sure you have an oral hygiene routine in place that is effectively keeping plaque and tartar from forming on your smile.

Why Do Some People Seem To Have A Harder Time Preventing Cavities?

For some people, a history of cavity issues can be traced back to relatively weak enamel that makes them more susceptible to damage. Others make diet choices that expose their teeth to more harm. A lack of thorough preventive dental care can also be an issue. Even if your problem feels out of your control, doing what you can to clean your teeth more effectively, and taking care to limit your intake of sugars, can be beneficial to you.

Make Changes To Your Brushing And Flossing Routine

An effective brushing and flossing routine can be a small part of your day, but it is an important one. Brush for at least two minutes in order to clear away harmful food debris and bacteria, and make sure you target areas that are difficult to reach. While thorough brushing can make a big difference to your oral health, there are some areas that are just not accessible with a brush. To effectively clean the spaces between your teeth, floss at least once per day. By doing so, you can lower your risk for dental problems and gum disease.

Drinking More Water Can Help You Keep Your Teeth Healthy

While you might not realize it, what you have in your glass can play a big part in how easily you can maintain your oral health. If you are not drinking enough water, your body can have a more difficult time producing saliva. Saliva helps us maintain our dental health by removing food debris and neutralizing acids that weaken our enamel. Drinking water as a substitute for other beverages can reduce your intake of sugars, and it can help you avoid colorful flavored beverages that can stain your teeth.

Dr. Browne Helps Prairie Village, KS Residents Protect Their Teeth

Your Prairie Village, KS dentist is prepared to help patients maintain healthy teeth through professional preventive care. With that said, remember that your behaviors between visits will also play a role in helping you maintain your smile! For more information about Dr. Browne’s dental practice, call our Prairie Village, KS office at 913-901-8585.