Don’t Let Halloween Candy Damage Your Healthy Smile!

Even though trick-or-treating tends to only happen on Halloween, candy can become readily available weeks before the actual holiday. If you are someone who normally struggles with a sweet tooth, you can be understandably concerned about the health of your smile. Even if you feel you do a good job resisting temptation, you may not realize how much trouble your “occasional” slip-ups really create for your teeth. Our Prairie Village, KS dental office is here to help patients who find themselves in need of cavity treatment after Halloween. Of course, we are also proud to provide ongoing preventive dental care. We are ready to help you keep your teeth in good health throughout October, and every other month!

Halloween Candy Can Be A Tempting Treat Throughout October

Even before October, your local grocery store may start to dedicate considerable space on their shelves for candy. You might notice that candy dishes fill up at work during this month, and that your kids are coming home with sweets given out as prizes in classes and other activities. As a result, you can have more opportunities to enjoy tasty treats. Unfortunately, oral bacteria also enjoy sugar, and when they feed, they produce acids that harm your enamel. Giving them too much to feast on can lead to a cavity, which means you could be in need of a dental filling or dental crown.

Some Candies Can Be Especially Bad For Your Teeth

While moderation is important overall, you should be aware that some candies pose bigger threats than others. For example, if you have a soft spot for sticky, chewy items, you can have a harder time removing food debris from teeth. As a result, you can give oral bacteria a consistent meal, which raises your risk for decay. Hard candy can lead to a different problem – if you bite down on something hard, you may wind up hurting your enamel! If this happens, you could require restorative work, or cosmetic dental treatment to hide visible chips or cracks.

The Importance Of Good Oral Health Habits Throughout The Year

Thinking about your oral health during Halloween is important, as you can face an unusual amount of temptation during this time of year. With that said, if you want to preserve your overall dental health, you should always be mindful of how you can best protect your teeth and gums from trouble! If you have questions about how you can improve your daily oral care routine, bring them up during your next routine dental exam!

Dr. Browne Is Ready To Help Prairie Village Families Keep Their Teeth Healthy!

At our Prairie Village, KS dental practice, Dr. Browne and our team are ready to help patients protect their smile from potential threats.  To learn more, or to make your appointment with Dr. Browne, please contact our office today at (913) 901-8585.