Rely On A Dental Implant To Improve Your Bite Function

If you have given up on certain favorite foods because tooth loss has made them difficult to eat, you should know that modern prosthetic dental care can help. In order to more effectively restore your bite function while restoring your smile, our Prairie Village, KS dental office can recommend the placement of a dental implant to keep a prosthetic dental appliance in place. By receiving this added support, you can find that your ability to speak, eat, and laugh become easier. You can also enjoy important support for your oral health over time, as an implant can restore the delivery of nutrients to your jawbone, and prevent the bone loss that affects people after tooth loss.

Stop Letting Tooth Loss Create Difficulties For Your Daily Life!

If you have let tooth loss change your daily life, you should know that modern care can put a stop to these unwelcome compromises. Dental implants effectively keep single tooth restorations in place, and they also allow for better support if you need a larger dental bridge, or even a denture. With your supported restoration, you can have an easier time biting and chewing foods that have become difficult for you to eat. For people with dentures, implant support can mean no longer worrying about a restoration that feels loose when you speak or laugh. Our goal is to help you feel a renewed confidence in both your appearance, and your dental function!

Discussing Dental Implant Placement

If you have unaddressed issues with tooth loss, or if you have an older prosthetic that seems to lack support, dental implants can lead to real improvements in your life. When discussing placement, your dentist can arrange an evaluation to determine if there are any oral health concerns that might interfere with your new prosthetic solution. If issues are discovered, you can work out treatment to put a stop to interference before moving forward with plans to bring back your full smile. After you receive an implant, there will be a necessary healing period before your restoration is set in place. During this time, your jawbone actually fuses with the post, to create an incredibly powerful bond.

An Implant-Held Restoration Helps Protect Your Jaw Health

Implant-held restorations can stimulate your jawbone, which communicates the need for your body to deliver nutrients to the bone. Without that stimulation, people can lose mass in their jaw, which can have an unfortunate effect of making their face look unhealthy. The deterioration also creates oral health trouble, and can interfere with implant placement.

Talk To Dr. Browne About Receiving A Dental Implant

Dr. Browne is prepared to help people in and around Prairie Village, KS enjoy better oral health and functional support with implant-held restorations! To learn more or to schedule a visit with Dr. Browne, contact our office today at (913) 901-8585.