Are You Paying Attention To How Much Sugar You Consume?

If you are not paying attention to the potential effects of your current diet, or if you often select snacks and meals out of convenience, you may not appreciate just how much sugar you typically consume. When your sugar intake is not monitored or managed, it can start to impact your overall health, as well as the health of your smile. Even if you are taking care to brush and floss each day, your enamel can experience too much harm from your diet, and you can find yourself dealing with tooth decay. If you are not doing so already, make an effort to control your consumption of harmful, sugar-heavy products. With better habits at home, you can look forward to better news at your next routine dental exam with your Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office!

Your Diet Choices Can Have A Meaningful Impact On Your Oral Health

Choosing water over soft drinks, or healthy snacks over vending machine treats, can contribute to your overall oral health efforts. Between each brushing and flossing session, your enamel and gum tissues face potential threats from oral bacteria. If you provide too many sugary products for those bacteria to consume, they can do more harm to your teeth, meaning you are more likely to need restorative dental work. This is one reason why a seemingly thorough brushing and flossing regimen might fail to protect you from cavities, or gum disease.

Your Oral Care Routine Can Help You Avoid Dental Troubles

The efforts you make to protect your smile each day matter. Combining a smarter diet with better hygiene can have a wonderful impact on your oral health. You should take the time to thoroughly brush for at least two minutes twice each day. In order to make sure your spaces between teeth are clean, make sure you floss on a daily basis. By doing so, you protect areas that can be particularly vulnerable to harm.

Worried About Your Smile? Make Sure You Visit Your Dentist’s Office!

At regular dental visits, your dentist can determine what kind of issues you might have with tooth decay. If it is called for during an evaluation, your dentist can restore a cavity with a filling, before the problem grows more serious and requires a root canal. You also receive an important professional teeth cleaning, which will help you in your battle to prevent problems like this in the future.

Dr. Browne Can Help You Manage Your Smile Health!

Dr. Browne is ready to help you keep your teeth in top shape! If you have questions about the effect your current diet might have on your smile, or if you have any other concerns about your dental well-being, let us know. To learn more about smart oral care, or to schedule a visit with Dr. Browne, contact our office today at (913) 901-8585.