How Dental Implants Fit Into Plans To Regain Your Full Smile

The process of restoring teeth that you have lost can lead to a remarkable change that affects your smile, and your confidence. What patients are sometimes surprised to discover is that with the right approach to prosthetic dental work, their improvements can actually help with their oral health and dental function in significant ways, too! If you have dental implant support for your restorations, you can have an easier time biting and chewing, and enjoy the kind of bite function you had with your complete smile. Your Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office can talk with you about the process of giving you back your full smile, with the support of dental implants!

Modern Prosthetic Work Can Help With Your Appearance And Dental Function

The goal of prosthetic work is to address the range of issues that tooth loss can cause. Lifelike dental bridges, dentures, and dental crowns are used as restorations when you replace missing teeth. Your implants essentially act like roots, as they hold your custom restoration firmly to your jawbone. This is a convenient means of keeping a prosthetic in place, and it can keep a prosthetic stable enough to have real functional value.

Understanding The Role Implants Play In Prosthetic Dental Work

How much support can you realistically expect from an implant-held prosthetic? With this arrangement, it becomes possible to bite and chew with confidence, meaning you can return to a more varied diet. The implant also gives support to neighboring teeth, so their roots are less likely to move over time.

In the long term, implants are able to stimulate a person’s jawbone during routine activity. This signals the need for proper nutrient flow, which will help you avoid the problems with jawbone deterioration that can affect a person after losing teeth.

Making Plans To Address Your Incomplete Smile

During an appointment to discuss prosthetic dental work, you can find out what you can expect from your life with your restored smile. Your dentist can examine what kind of prosthetic support you need, and arrange a careful study of your oral health to determine if you are ready to receive implants. If problems interfere with your placement, the appropriate care can be arranged before moving forward with restoring your full set of teeth.

Dr. Browne Is Ready To Help You Regain Your Full Smile!

If you want to bring back your full smile, you should make plans to enjoy modern prosthetic dental treatment. Dr. Browne is prepared to meet with individuals who need to address their individual issues with tooth loss. With dental implants, you can have a permanently placed restoration that improves the way you look, and your quality of life! To learn more or to schedule a visit with Dr. Browne, contact our office today at (913) 901-8585.