3 Smile-Friendly Diet Changes You Might Want To Consider

As important as it is for you to keep up with regular dental checkups if you want to keep your smile in great shape, you need to keep up with good habits between those appointments. Brushing your teeth and flossing are valuable steps you should take each day to defend your smile, but – as with regular exams – your behavior between your teeth cleaning routine is also important. Your Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office can provide you with great support to help you avoid tooth decay and gum disease. Combining that support with better diet choices can help you ensure that you are not putting yourself at unnecessary risk for cavities.

1. Switch Out Soft Drinks For Water During Meals

If you are someone who just cannot seem to imagine a meal without a soft drink, you should be aware that your habit can make it harder for you to avoid smile problems. Soft drinks are particularly concerning for your oral health because there are several issues that you need to watch out for when you drink them. Their sugar content makes soft drinks a cavity risk, but sugar is only part of the problem – the acidity of these beverages can make your enamel weaker. If you tend to drink dark colas, you are also facing a real risk for developing teeth stains you need a professional whitening treatment to address.

2. Bring Healthy Snacks To Work, And Avoid The Vending Machines

Vending machines can provide a quick calorie fix in your break room, but those snacks can have more than just a monetary cost. The kind of items you might expect to find in your office vending machine can be sticky, sweet, and starchy. If you want to avoid restorative dental work in your near future, start packing healthy fruits and vegetables for work.

3. Reconsider Your Usual Breakfast Routine

When was the last time you scanned the nutritional information on your favorite breakfast cereal? How likely are you to forgo a healthy morning meal for doughnuts or pastries? If your breakfast habits put unhealthy items before you, it may be time for a change. Starting your day with a higher sugar intake can send you to the dentist’s office in need of a dental filling or dental crown.

Dr. Browne Can Help You Preserve A Healthy, Happy Smile!

Dr. Browne is proud to make quality oral health care available to residents of Prairie Village, KS, as well as those in neighboring and nearby areas. In addition to addressing problems that affect your smile, Dr. Browne can also provide you with preventive care that can keep your smile safe from troubles! To learn more, or to set up a visit with Dr. Browne, contact our office today at (913) 901-8585.