Busy Schedule: Making Dental Care Work

If you think that you have the busiest schedule in the world, we will certainly not argue with you! We have met many patients in the same boat who place their dental care at the top of their priority list but who still struggle to find a balance between coming in for visits and all the other stuff that life requires. While we know the details will be something that will take a bit of finesse on your part, we offer our two cents for a streamlined experience.

Plan Well In Advance

When you have extremely busy days and a packed schedule, sometimes the best thing to do is not to wait for a sudden opening in your life (because we might not have an immediate opening at our practice). Instead, it may be to your benefit to plan well in advance. Need your visit for dental care on the books with us months prior to your visit? Perfect!

Never Miss A Beat

When you don’t have time to come in for fillings and the like, the best approach is to take exceptional care of your smile to limit your need for appointments beyond the necessary cleaning and checkup. How to make sure this is happening? Well, for starters, recognize the importance of planning and coming in for those cleanings and checkups every six months. Of course, also become extremely dedicated to your home dental care.

Don’t Forget About Oraverse

Great news! If you do need to come in for a restorative treatment, we can get you back to your day quickly by offering Oraverse. It will reverse the effects of local anesthetic, so the numbness and difficulty speaking, etc., quickly resolve and your day is not interrupted.

Keep Preventive Care In Check With Consistent Care

Remember that by providing your smile with consistent, detailed care, you ensure you minimize the amount of time you spend in the dentist’s chair! Learn more by scheduling a visit in Prairie Village, KS by calling Robert M Browne, DDS at (913) 901-8585.