Bruxism: Figuring It Out

There’s something about discovering you could be suffering from a potentially damaging oral health problem without realizing it that’s unsettling. This is certainly the case when it comes to figuring out whether you need bruxism treatment. You see, you might not have any idea it’s happening, which leaves patients wondering how they will ever figure it out, how to avoid injury, and then some. Consider some pressing information, so you don’t need to worry about this (but can instead feel confident about your smile no matter what).

How To Find Out If You Have It

You might have bruxism disorder right now without realizing that it’s affecting you. If it’s severe, you will likely have noticed that something is wrong because it will cause discomfort in your teeth and the surrounding area, it may end up stressing your jaw joints, you may develop chips on your teeth, your tongue border may appear scalloped, and someone may have even mentioned they’ve seen or heard you bruxing.

Then again, if it’s early on in your experience with bruxism, there may be no obvious signs. Here’s where your checkups come in: When you schedule your visits with us every six months, according to our suggestion for just about everyone, we can detect bruxism nice and early.

What Happens If Bruxism Occurs

Whether you notice it or we notice it, we can help you with your bruxism disorder. It’s always preferable to find it early because that way, you don’t end up with any damage (which we can fix). In either case, you will be able to treat the issue with oral appliance therapy. Note: That just means you will wear a protective mouthguard while you’re sleeping.