Properly restoring a tooth calls for more than just the removal of areas affected by decay or physical trauma. You will need permanent protection after a cavity or injury occurs and if a dental filling cannot provide enough support, we can use a dental crown to take care of you. The restoration will fully cover the tooth above the gumline. In addition to protecting against physical harm and keeping out harmful bacteria, your restoration can benefit your smile by boasting a lifelike appearance!
Using A Dental Crown To Restore Your Tooth
Dental crowns are used to restore teeth that need more support than dental fillings offer. They are used when injuries are too severe to make cosmetic dental work possible, as well as for teeth affected by advanced decay that may require root canal therapy.
The restoration process takes place over two appointments. Your first visit will see your dentist prepare your tooth for crown placement and capture measurements to determine the shape and size of your restoration. At your subsequent visit, Dr. Browne will confirm that the crown made for you is the right shape and size to offer long-term support before permanently affixing it.
Dental Crowns Are Made From Different Material Types
The materials used to create dental crowns offer different looks and different degrees of functional support. The materials that we provide include:
- Porcelain, which boasts a remarkably lifelike appearance. This can be ideal for front teeth that are prominent when you smile and speak.
- Metal, a material that does not match your enamel but does offer more advanced functional support. This can be important when molars require protecting.
- Porcelain-fused-to-metal, which offers the strength of metal as well as esthetic benefits from outer layers of porcelain.
- Zirconia, another lifelike material, like porcelain, but one that boasts more durability.
Your Prairie Village, KS Dentist Can Protect Your Tooth With A Durable Dental Crown
Through the placement of a dental crown, we can protect your vulnerable tooth from further harm while we also restore your natural bite function. If you would like to learn more about the role crowns play in restorative care, contact our Prairie Village, KS dental practice at (913) 901-8585.