A Damaged Tooth Needs Urgent Care Dentistry

When a tooth sustains serious damage, or if one is hurting due to an advanced cavity or infection, then you need care right away. With Urgent Care Dentistry, our team can take on these issues and restore your tooth in a short time frame. In today’s blog, your Prairie Village, KS, dentist talks about Urgent Care Dentistry.

Examples of Dental Emergencies

When should you see our team for dental emergency treatment? When a tooth is injured and cracked or chipped, you should see us right away for care. If an injury occurs and no damage is visible, consider an appointment as fractures could lead to decay or infection, and could be invisible to the naked eye. Sudden unexplained pain in a tooth, an object trapped between a tooth, or loose or missing restoration could be a cause of an urgent visit too. When a tooth is knocked loose or out completely, you should call our team so we can arrange a time to see you even outside of normal business hours.

Easing Your Discomfort

In the time between contacting us and seeing our team, you can take action to help ease discomfort. For example, you can take an over-the-counter pain reliever and if there is bleeding, you can use a bit of cloth or gauze to stem it. A cold compress or ice pack to the side of the face could also reduce facial swelling. You should try to recover any pieces of the tooth and bring them with you, if possible. If a tooth is knocked out, pick it up by the crown, not the root, and place it in a glass of salt water or milk, bring it to the office with you.

Urgent Care Dentistry

Our team will start by carefully examining your smile with advanced digital images, so we can assess the severity of the injury and plan treatment in detail. For some, we could use composite resin in a bonding procedure, repairing minor damage in one sitting. For more substantial damage, we can create custom crowns to repair the tooth. Our team can replace the compromised dental restoration or prosthetic too. We take care to ensure you leave our office with a prepared smile, so you avoid complications. We can also discuss custom mouthguards to protect smiles if you play full contact sports!

If you have any questions about our approach to Urgent Care Dentistry, then contact our team today to learn more.


Urgent Care Dentistry enables our team to quickly and effectively address serious oral health concerns. To find out more about addressing damaged or aching teeth, you can call Dr. Browne in Prairie Village, KS, at 913-901-8585.