Sometimes, our teeth need more than just the support of a good oral hygiene routine. When a cavity forms, or when you experience trauma that damages your enamel, you can require restorative dental work. At our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office, we can make sure your needs are met by restoring your tooth with a dental crown. Crowns provide more support than dental fillings, as a crown is designed to completely cover a tooth above your gum line. When taking care of a patient, we can ensure that they receive support from an appliance customized to fit comfortably, and designed with the appropriate material to preserve your smile and dental function.
When Is It Necessary To Have A Dental Crown Placed?
Not every procedure to restore a person’s oral health will involve placing a dental crown. When appropriate, your dentist can instead use a dental filling to address a problem with tooth decay. Fillings provide a more conservative treatment approach by directly addressing an area where a cavity has been removed. However, if your tooth structure requires more support, a dental crown can ensure that you remain comfortable biting and chewing while also providing more protection from future infections. Dental crowns are also used to restore teeth that have been injured, though in some cases where damage is relatively minor your dentist may recommend cosmetic dental work.
Different Material Types Are Used To Craft Modern Crowns
The choice of what material to use when restoring your crown can depend on where your tooth is located, and how much pressure you place on it while biting and chewing. If you need to have one of your back teeth restored, metal crowns can be preferable because they offer greater durability. While metal is not an ideal visual match for your tooth enamel, the location of your tooth can make it hard to notice. Porcelain crowns are popular when restoring teeth that are easier to see, as the material does provide a good imitation of healthy enamel. Zirconia and porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns can provide stronger functional support while mimicking the look of your natural tooth.
We Are Prepared To Help Restore Your Smile When You Have Serious Dental Troubles
Our practice is prepared to tackle serious issues that affect your dental health. Before a crown is placed, we can perform a root canal procedure to stop an internal infection from affecting your oral health. We can also provide prosthetic dental work if you need to replace a tooth that is lost or severely damaged.
Talk To Dr. Browne About Receiving A Dental Crown
At our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office, Dr. Browne is prepared to restore your smile with a durable, dependable dental crown! To find out more about treatment with dental crowns, or to make an appointment with us, contact our office today at (913) 901-8585.